Ok, I understand you, but I stll didn't get any Bible to back it up the politics.  Is there any Bible to back up your politics or is it your tradition? 

Okay, D.A. (which FYI, from now on refers to “Devil’s Advocate”): If you must make me spell it out, I am very happy that the control of the Senate by the evil (ie: abortion and perversion promoting) Damocrats has been recovered by the God-fearing Republicans. I am glad that our God-fearing President, for whom all sincere Christians prayed their little hearts out, is now a bit less handcuffed in his efforts to bring righteous laws to this nation. I am very thankful that Daschle no longer can hold America hostage by refusing to allow the senate to even vote on the issue of the righteous judges that our President has nominated to rule this land. I am happy because I have been praying for a revival of righteousness to break out across this nation, and this could be one very tiny little sign that this is beginning to happen.  I AM JUST VERY HAPPY—OKAY????


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 9:03 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The New Jesus and a Love Called Tolerance

What does Psalms 21:13 have to do with the Republicans winning the election?  I'm at a loss here on how this fits together.  Please help.

Psalms 21:13

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