Glenn wrote:
> I will give you my two bits worth.  It is you, Martin.
> You have a party spirit.  You are the one who can't
> worship with others on a continuing basis.
> You are the one who gives me the impression if we
> can't understand your questions without answers,
> we are not spiritual.
> You are the one who has the party spirit.  That's
> how I see it.  If I am wrong, then forget it.

LOL.  Glenn, you ARE wrong.  But why do you come in like a bull in the china
shop and then tell Marlin to just forget it?

As I see it, Marlin is very careful with his words and answers the way he
does exactly because he is attacked by Christians like Glenn Tabor for the
beliefs that he has.  Is that at least possible in your mind, Glenn?

Laura wrote:
> I don't know anyone who is a Christian who can get
> by without worshipping on a regular basis with other
> believers and still maintain their walk with God.
> No denomination is perfect, no church is perfect and
> no pastor is perfect BUT we serve a perfect God and
> He told us to assemble together.

Well, I don't think I agree with you about no church or pastor being
perfect, but that is another subject.  I would like to say that God not just
told us to assemble together, but he also told us to assemble on the seventh
day, which is Saturday.  Do you do that Laura?

I'm not saying this to insist you meet only on Saturday.  I'm trying to get
you to think.  I'm just trying to point out that the subject you are
addressing may not be so cut and dry.  It may be that Marlin actually better
observes the admonition of Scripture not to forsake the assembling together
of the believer than you do.  I don't know, because I don't know him, but I
do know that the admonition not to forsake the assemblying together of the
believers is not as simple as you seem to imply.

Consider, for example, that the early believers as well as Jesus Christ
himself, generally assembled in the Jewish synagogues and in the Jewish
temple.  We would think that they felt that was important, and they
certainly had Scriptural authority for this tradition.  Would you take words
from them concerning this gathering together in the Jewish meeting place as
important as believers meeting together on the first day of the week?  Have
you ever considered also that perhaps Hebrews 10:25 applies to Hebrews
assemblying together on Saturday with other Jews, to provoke to love and
good works, rather than to the situation that you seem to have in mind,
which would be Sunday morning "worship"?

Today, we kind of have a reversed situation.  The religious powers that be
are "Christian" instead of "Jewish," but there are problems there, as
evidenced by your statement that there is no perfect church and no perfect
pastor.  Observing the directive to assemble ourselves together might
actually be made more difficult by the present institutions of religion.  If
Marlin, for example, meets on Saturday morning in his home with a few other
families who are believers in Christ, how does his observance of assembling
together compare with the "Christian" who attends a thousand member church
every Sunday morning but does not get involved in the lives of anyone
attending there?  When we consider the entertainment methodology used in
present day Christianity, how much "provoking each other to love and good
works" actually takes place?  And if that isn't taking place, then is it
really observing God's directive not to forsake assembling ourselves
together with other believers when that phrase, "to provoke unto love and
good works," is included in the directive not to forsake assembling

Something for everyone to think about:  how can a person share his beliefs
and opinions if he is attacked before he can even express his views?  Are
beliefs and opinions really something that should be kept personal and
private?  If not, how can unusual or contrary views be expressed without
causing a big fight?

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida  USA

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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