Izzy, I realize you do not condmen Christians for worshipping on other days of the week other than Saturday.  HOWEVER, MARLIN, DOES.  THAT'S HOW I TAKE HIS POSTS.  MARLIN, TELL ME I AM WRONG ABOUT THIS.  TELL ME I AM PERFECTLY WITHIN NEW TESTAMENT DOCTRINE TO WORSHIP ON SUNDAY. 
TELL ME??????

Thanks for the comments; very interesting and enlightening. My whole
point is not that everyone else should obey the Sabbath; but that I am
convicted to do it, and take a lot of joy in doing so. So why does that
incense other Christians? It's as if I am threatening their core beliefs
about salvation through grace, which is not at all what I am asserting.
I just mentioned my own habits in an attempt to get them to stop doing
character assassination on poor Marlin! Anyway, I'm always happy to hear
your viewpoint because you don't do that. :-)

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