DaveH wrote:
> From what DavidM explained in yesterday's post
> (which I'd like to respond to, IF I ever get enough
> time!), such an action would be illegal as it is denying
> somebody's constitutional rights.....Is that correct,
> DavidM?

I'm not sure what you are thinking might be illegal.  There are several
things that might start restricting your right to free speech, for example:
1) carrying large banners with poles / sticks that could be used as weapons,
2) using amplification, 3) using language that incites people to riot, 4)
false speech, such as yelling fire in a theater or issuing a false bomb

At events, the police like to organize protestors and most go along with
that.  They will fence or rope off areas in order to separate people on
opposite sides of an issue, thereby preventing physical fights and rioting.
Often the police cross the line with their activities in this way because
they begin to think that protestors must comply with their free speech zones
that they create.  The truth is that such organization is really voluntary
in the eyes of federal law, but most protestors would rather comply than go
through arrest and trial before being acquited.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida  USA

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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