We had a lot of silence from our Mormon friends on this one.  LOL Maybe they can respectfully disagree.  LOL X 666

Acc to CNN, the article i posted recently, AH has been 'proxy-baptized' by the Mormons--which is the main reason why the Jews are furious with the Mormons (also, for violating an agreement not to 'p-b' Jews)

ftr, In _Mein Kampf_ [AHs main book, in English= _My Struggle_], apparently AH wrote, "You are either Christian or German. You cannot be both." *

od question, btw.
*John Cornwell, _Hitler's Pope: The Secret History of Pius XII_, 1999, Penguin Books, p. 106

On Mon, 16 Dec 2002 21:23:30 -0500 "Marlin Halverson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> writes:

So, are you saying Adolph H. = Joseph S. ?  Wasn't Adolph a "Christian"?

----- Original Message -----


Sent: Monday, December 16, 2002 9:05 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] meaning of biblical/church history

i'm not the #1 fan of Santa, but i'd take him and Rudolph over JS and Adolf Hitler any day

On Mon, 16 Dec 2002 08:19:13 -0500 "Marlin Halverson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> writes:

Now if the "Doctrine of Origins" does not matter, what is the difference between J. Smith and Santa Clause?  Isn't he using the name of Jesus?  Don't they help orphans and celebrate the Pagan/Catholic holiday, Christmas?  Don't they win millions to Jesus worldwide?

Dave H:
"in sum, then,  the Mormon desire to be Christian, not Evangelical/Protestant (apparently assuaged by DavidM acc to DaveH) would be (perhaps, is,) irrelevant, misguided, naive, and ignorant of the meaning of biblical/church history--but, as i said, i'm still thinkin' about it:-)"

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