"Charles P. Locke" wrote:

> >>The official LDS positions are things like "the Book of Mormon is the most
> >>correct [except for the 4000+ changes] book in the world", and whenever JS
> >>encountered a contradictory passage in the Bible he would comment, "that
> >>was written by some old Jew with no authority".
> >DAVEH:  That is new to me.  When/where did he state such?  Or, did you just
> >make that up as a rhetorical comment, Perry?
> Although I have made mistakes on occasion, I am not in the habit of lying,
> and do not appreciate the insinuation that I made this up! Just because you
> have not heard it does not mean it is a lie.

DAVEH:  Perry, I apologize if my question sounded like I was suggesting you were 
deliberately committing a lie.  I honestly thought you might have said it in a 
rhetorical sense.

    BTW.......Thanx for quoting JS's words confirming your quote.

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