I am thoroughly enjoying my Sabbath by (1) Napping, and (2) reading “The 3 Battlegrounds” by Francis Frangipane.  I am happy to share with you some of my favorite highlighted passages below: (Comments welcome)


You will remember that the location where Jesus was crucified was called Golgatha, which meant “the place of the skull”. If we will be effective in spiritual warfare, the first field of conflict where we must learn warfare is the battleground of the mind; i.e.,” the place of the skull”. For the territory of the uncrucified thought life is the beachhead of satanic assault in our lives.


Many Christians debate whether the devil is on the earth or in hell; can he dwell in Christians or only in the world? The fact is, the devil is in darkness. Wherever there is spiritual darkness, there the devil will be.


The devil and the fallen angels with him, have been relegated to live in darkness.  This darkness does not simply mean “lightless regions” or areas void of visible light. The eternal darkness to which this scripture refers is essentially a moral darkness, which does ultimately degenerate to literal darkness.


…if we tolerate darkness through tolerance of sin, we leave ourselves vulnerable for satanic assault. The devil can traffic in any area of darkness, even the darkness that still exists in a Christian’s heart. …the areas we hide in darkness are the very areas of our future defeat.. Often the battles we face will not cease until we discover and repent for the darkness that is within us.  “Submit to God,” and “resist the devil”, and he will flee from us.


Satan will never be given permission to destroy the saints. Rather, he is limited to “sifting” them “like wheat” (like Peter) The outcome of this type of satanic assault, which is allowed through the permissive will of God, is to cleanse the soul…. It may feel terrible, but God causes it to work for good. Before God can truly use us, in one way or another we will pass through a time of threshing.


When He reveals sin in our hearts, it is so He might destroy the works of the devil. When the Holy Spirit shows us an area that needs repentance, we must overcome the instinct to defend ourselves. “God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” …if we are too proud to humble ourselves and admit we were wrong, then God is opposed to us!


Victory begins with the name of Jesus on your lips; but it will not be consummated until the nature of Jesus is in your heart.


As you begin to appropriate not just the name of Jesus, but His nature as well, the adversary will withdraw. Satan will not continue to assault you if the circumstances he designed to destroy you are now working to perfect you!


And these are just excerpts from the first chapter!  Would you like more?







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