I can't resist     Can we really go here and have a Sabbath meeting?  Laura

Sabbath Meeting Transcript

"Acts 15: verse by verse"

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Wayne - Almighty loving and Merciful Father YHWH, we come before You in prayer through Your Son , our High Priest and Mediator, Yahushua HaMashiach!
Wayne - Father thank Ye for this day of rest as it is well needed both Spiritually and physicly
Wayne - Father thank You for allowing us this site to fellowship study and Praise Your Awsome Name
Wayne - Father help us to be strong in times of endurance
Wayne - Help us in times when we feel alone and sad, and uplift us with Your Shalom and love and Joy
Wayne - Father abase any uncleanlyness within our hearts and create a clean heart within, circucise the flesh within our hearts and help us to strive for perfection as Ye are Perfect
Wayne - Father Thank You for all we have, we are truely a blessed people, help us not to forget "love", for what is our walk without it?
Wayne - Father help us to be meek and kind, longsuffering with oneanother and to be as abasodors to Your Glorious Name
Wayne - Father May You help us overcome help us to walk on the straight and narrow, to walk in Your Ways!
Wayne - Father please give the speaker here tonight Your Words, and bless us all with what is spoken of this day and always
Wayne - Father in Yahushua`s Name we give Ye thanks and Praise!
Wayne - So let Thy will be done!
Wayne - HalleluYAH! HalleluYAH!

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