Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Sounds as though you agonized over your decision in much the same way that we did.  Some in our group are still unable to break away from the institutional setting..
Michael D: It did take some adjustment as I mentioned. The thing with me though, is that I wanted to share all of the things I was learning with 'the Pastor' and have the people 'see the light'. I would try to go to prayer meetings, Bible studies etc, and the Spirit of God would expressly say to me 'No'. I often rejected that, saying that it could not be God, because I was trying to be faithful. He had to show me very dramatically, that I was being disobedient... This was less than two months into my intro to the truths about the Church. Now, God might not deal with every one in exactly the same way as with me. Mine was intense and I believe that He had a purpose for dealing with me this way.
We meet on Tuesday evening, so they can come to home church without missing the traditional Sunday morning thing. I have seen that here in my country as well. I used to meet with some folks who saw the shortcomings of the Church, and would have Sunday night meetings at an assistant Pastor's home. Eventually, nothing came of it, partly because there was no break with the traditional alliances. One thing God stresses is that new wine needs new wineskins. The old will burst if the new is poured into them. Those who know have to pray for the revelations to come to the rest of the Body. One big key to it, I believe, is the unity of the Church a la NT pattern. In fact, when the Lord brought me into this, I was not seeking it, and had already rejected it from the little exposure I had. I do pray that God does it for many more. 
Last night I painted a picture of home Church and institutional Church that was a fair comparison, but I fear it made the institutional Church look like the villan in the plot and that was not my intention.  I have no doubt that it is far from what God would have the coming together of the saints be, but at the same time, He has used what He had to work with in a powerful way.  I was saved in a church, I was a teacher in a church (Sunday school), and I was a deacon in a church.  I was even allowed to fill the pulpit a few times when they were really desperate for a warm body.  I Know that these are not bad people mocking God.  They are good people (as good as people ever are) who do not know any better. 
Michael D: For the most part they are. God needs voices today to call the Church out of these clutches into the liberty of the Spirit. This is not to sound arrogant or condemning of others, but a realization of where God wants to take us as the Body.
It is what we are all taught, and until you start digging for answers in God's word, you live in ignorant bliss.  I think that because most of these folk are operating in ignorance, and not in deliberate disobedience, the Lord continues to bless them and use them.  Because He does, missionaries are sent all over the world, and Bibles are distributed wherever they go.  Amen!
People are saved that we in the home Church could never reach.  I wouldn't say could never... Probably, folks need to see the need for extensive outreach to be a part of the 'Home Church' reality. Actually, I don't too like the label 'Home Church' as an identifier. It is discriptive, but could be limiting. Folks ask me if the Church should only meet in homes, and I say not necessarily, but in a situation where proper NT operation is not hindered. To me, the key is the free expression of the life of the Church. Location is only a facilitator.   
I am not at all sure that the leaders even know how far off course they are.  Agreed. They have been taught to think what they think, by people with titles, who they respect.  If a doctor of divinity doesn't have the right answers, they figure, who does?
Many today appreciate that a DDiv is no passport to truth, but because of tradition still interpret the things that the Bible says through the eyes those lenses, not understanding the original context within which they were presented. For instance, when Paul says the ministry gifts is for the perfecting of the saints, folks dont realize that that is supposed to occur right in the regular meeting of the church where the believers utilize their gifts and mature before the Body many times in trial and error, a la Corinthians.
I have been privileged to have a close relationship with a few pastors in my life, and sadly, some of them are more ignorant than the "Lay" people, and are determined to stay that way.  Some cannot see the error, and some do not want to. It would end their employment. Because of these relationships, I can tell you that some would keep preaching if they never got a dime for their effort, and some would seek a new job tomorrow if the paycheck stopped.  Some have a calling, and some have a career.
There is no person in the world that I respect more than a street preacher,  and no one I respect less than the televangelist that keeps asking for more money.  The first is following in the footsteps of John, the Baptist and Peter and Paul.  The second is an abomination. All the other preachers are in between, on a sliding scale, from humble servants of the Lord to real weasels. 
From what I have seen of home church groups though, there is a lot of room for improvement there too.  Some of them seem to have an air of superiority, as though they are more spiritual than those who need a pastor, and others are straight out anti-authority, anti-denomination, anti-government, anti-everything.  Sort of a group of bad tempered hermits.
I think these attitudes don't appreciate the fact that God has given to us the ministry of reconciliation. That's why I pray for those who don't have that light yet, that they may see. God never gives us things solely for our benefit... And we must see that we are fighting a war against the forces of darkness who are trying their best to keep the Church from being perfected and rising up as the giant in the earth that God intends her to be. But, the gates of hell will not prevail against her. I am persuaded that we will all come in the unity of the faith unto the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing... God is able to finish what He has started.
As for our group, it will probably be summer before we are perfect.

Michael D: Very well said, Terry. The Lord has a very specific mission today, and that's to get the Church back to the NT realities that have long deserted its 'corridors'... I talk about these things often with believers, but it is not easy to apprehend. Even when one sees them, it takes some time to get accustomed to. It took me about two years, at least, of God 'sticking my face in it' and repeatedly affirming to me that the traditional system is all wrong,before I made a full psycholigical adjustment to it. Now, I knew they were right from the first moment He revealed them to me. The problem was relating to the fact that so many millions of believers can be so wrong and misplaced, while being used by God is such significant ways. It's the same problem one encounters when trying to impart these truths to those in the traditional systems today.

What was very strange, I would visit 'services' where the 'Spirit was moving' and people were being tremendously blessed, but I would be totally untouched. I would wonder if something was wrong with me. Repeatedly God would let me know that this was not His will, and therefore, having revealed the truth o me, He could not let me feel comfortable there any more. This process of weaning finally allowed me to get settled within myself about the stark realities of the present system.

Transformation from the old to the new, is the next big thing on God's agenda.

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