Laura wrote:
> What is the ISV version?

I use e-sword too.  It is a very good Bible program.  The quotes I post
from Scripture come from it.  

ISV = International Standard Version

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

>From e-sword: 

International Standard Version v1.2.2

Copyright C 1996-2001 The ISV Foundation.  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Introduction to the International Standard Version

For the last three millennia, the Bible has exercised an unparalleled
influence on the lives of individuals and nations.  People of faith
throughout the centuries have recorded the revelation of God pertaining
to the affairs of daily life.  The experiences of prophets, kings, and
common people have been communicated through the written text of

Jewish and Christian scholars have been concerned to make sure that the
Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts would be communicated to each new
generation.  Even though governments and rulers have attempted to
prevent the distribution of the translated Bible in many periods of
history, faithful scholars such as John Wycliffe and William Tyndale
gave their very lives to translate and distribute the books of the
Bible.  In every period of revival and renewal in the church, the Bible
was central.

And now for a new millennium, this major English language translation of
the Bible embodies the best results of modern scholarship as to the
meaning of Scripture, and it expresses this meaning in clear and natural
English.  The International Standard VersionR (ISVR), produced for the
twenty-first century by The ISV Foundation of Santa Ana, California,
offers an exciting opportunity to read and study the Scriptures in a
fresh, new way.

The ISV is "international" in that slang and regionalisms are avoided,
and "standard" in that it is designed for public worship, for church
school curricula, for religious publishing, and for both personal and
group study.  And with the ISV text, study tools, and software readily
available to the public via the Internet, the ISV provides new
opportunities for in-depth study of God's Word anywhere in the world, by
anyone, and at any time.

The New Testament you hold in your hands is the first portion of the
complete ISV Bible to be made available in print.  As the Old Testament
books are completed, they can be found on The ISV Foundation's web site

The Uniqueness of the ISV

With so many English language Bible translations available today, the
reader is faced with an important question: "What distinguishes the ISV
from other Bible translations?" The ISV offers five features that
distinguish it from other recent English language translations:

1.  The ISV Is a New Translation, Not a Revision
The ISV is a totally new work translated directly from the original
languages of Scripture and derived from no other English translation.
It was produced by Bible scholars who believe that "All Scripture is
God-breathed and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction,
and for training in righteousness" (2 Timothy 3:16 ISV).  The ISV takes
advantage not only of the most ancient manuscripts available, but also
of the most recent archaeological discoveries.  The translators of the
ISV have selected the English equivalent that most closely reflects the
meaning of the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts.

2.  The ISV Is a Computer-Friendly Translation
The ISV is the first English Bible conceived, designed, translated, and
formatted primarily for a computer-literate generation.  It is being
produced entirely in a computer aided media (CAM) format.  In its
electronic format, the ISV is the first Bible translation ever published
with version numbers.  English language Bible readers who have access to
the Internet's World Wide Web may read the ISV under The ISV
Foundation's trade name International Standard Version (Internet)R
(ISViR) at The ISV Foundation's web site at  The latest
electronic version of the ISVi is also available in formats compatible
with many contemporary Bible research software programs.  Printed copies
of the ISV also contain version numbers.  (See the reverse of the title
page for the version number of this edition.)

3.  The ISV Is Sensitive to Poetic Forms in the Original Text
The ISV treats subtle nuances of the original texts with special care.
For example, several passages of the Bible appear to have been rendered
in poetic form when first penned by their authors.  The ISV has
meticulously crafted these original passages as true poems-thus
communicating a sense of their original literary form as well as
translating the original intent of the author.  As a result, passages
that would have been read as poetry by first century readers actually
appear in poetic form in the ISV.  For example, see Christ's complaint
to the Pharisees recorded in Luke 7:32 and 35 (page 5), the Christ Hymn
of Philippians 2:6-11 (page 5), the Apostle Paul's description of love
in 1 Corinthians 13 (page 5), the Common Confession of 1 Timothy 3:16
(page 5), Paul's Hymn to Christ in Titus 3:4-7 (page 5), Paul's witty
quote of the ancient Greek poet Epimenides in Titus 1:12 (page 5), and
the "trust-worthy sayings" of Paul in 1 Timothy 1:15 (page 5), 1 Timothy
3:1 (page 5), 1 Timothy 4:8 (page 5), and 2 Timothy 2:11 (page 5).

4.  The ISV Is Sensitive to Literary Forms in the Original Text
The ISV treats synoptic parallels with special sensitivity.  Historical
narratives in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke were carefully
examined in the original Greek text in order to compare each occurrence
in the text where the narratives appeared to describe similar instances.
Unlike all other English language translations available today, the ISV
translates each separate synoptic instance with exact translational
parity in each textual occurrence.  In those parallel passages where the
Greek text occurs with word-for-word synoptic identity, readers will
discover that the ISV translates these passages into word-for-word
English equivalents.  In those parallel passages where the Greek text in
the parallel passages approaches, but does not reach, a word-for-word
identity, the ISV has adjusted the English language translation to
reflect the similar, but not exact, nature of the parallel passages.  To
the best of our knowledge and belief, this level of translational
accuracy has never been attained in any English language translation
produced to date.

The reader will notice-particularly in the four Gospels and in the Book
of Acts-that the ISV usually shifts its style of English composition in
order to utilize contractions when translating quoted words of a
speaker, even though the ISV generally avoids the use of contractions
when rendering historical narratives or written correspondence.  The
Committee intended that a sense of the informal be communicated when
people are speaking and that a sense of the formal be communicated when
people are writing.

5.  The ISV Is a Literal-Idiomatic Translation
The translation theory behind the ISV differs from theories employed in
previous Bible translations.  Traditionally, two basic methods of Bible
translation have been used.  The older method (and for many centuries
practically the only method used) has been labeled "literal" or "formal
equivalent." This type of translation allows readers to identify as
fully as possible with the source languages of Scripture and to
understand as much as they can of the Bible's customs, manners of
thought, and means of expression.

The other method is termed "idiomatic" or "functional equivalent." The
goal of an idiomatic translation is to achieve the closest natural
equivalent in modern language to match the ideas of the original text.
Idiomatic translations have little or no concern for maintaining the
grammatical forms, sentence structure, and consistency of word usage of
the source languages.

All major translations of the Bible fall somewhere on a scale between
complete formal equivalence and complete functional equivalence.  Some
of these translations are quite literal (e.g., the King James Version
[KJV], the New King James Version [NKJVR], the American Standard Version
of 1901 [ASV], the New American Standard Bible [NASBR], the Revised
Standard Version [RSVR], and the New Revised Standard Version [NRSVR]).
Other translations lean toward the idiomatic end of the spectrum (e.g.,
the New International Version [NIVR], the New English Bible [NEBR], the
Revised English Bible [REBR], the Good News Bible [GNBR], the New Living
Translation [NLTR], and the Contemporary English Version [CEVR]).  

It is clear that each of these methods of Bible translation has its
limitations.  Competent Bible translators have always recognized that a
strictly literal translation of the words of Scripture can be
misleading.  For example, "the wicked will not stand in the judgment"
might be interpreted as proving that evil people actually would not be
judged.  Hence literalness is not always equivalent to accuracy.

On the other hand, the limitations of idiomatic translations are also
obvious.  Such translations frequently tend to cast the words of
Scripture into new molds that convey the ideas in a significantly
different spirit or emphasis.  Idiomatic translations have, in a sense,
a commentary built into them; they represent a choice made by the
translators as to what the translators think a passage means.  For that
reason, an idiomatic translation is easier to read but less reliable for
careful study.

A good translation will steer a careful course between word-for-word
translation and interpretation under the guise of translating.  In other
words, a good translation will be both reliable and readable.  The best
translation, then, is one that is both accurate and idiomatic at the
same time.  It will make every effort to reproduce the culture and exact
meaning of the text without sacrificing readability.  The ISV Foundation
calls this type of translation "literal-idiomatic." 

Of these three basic types of translation-literal, literal-idiomatic,
and idiomatic-the translators of the ISV have, without hesitation, opted
for the second.  This is not because it happens to be the middle option,
simply avoiding extremes, but because the literal-idiomatic translation
is the only choice that avoids the dangers of over-literalness and of
over-interpretation discussed above.  Teaching biblical truth demands
extreme fidelity to the original text of Scripture.  However, a
translation of the Bible need not sacrifice English clarity in order to
maintain a close correspondence to the source languages.  The goal of
the ISV, therefore, has been both accuracy and excellence in

How the ISV Is Being Produced

The ISV Foundation has provided for the actual work of translating by

. A Committee on Translation, which is overseeing the work of
translation from beginning to end, including the supervision of all
consultants.  These individuals have been selected for their competence
in biblical studies and on the basis of an inter-denominational
representation of the worldwide Christian community.  

. A General Editor, who is responsible for organizing and directing the
work of the Committee on Translation.  The General Editor continually
evaluates the project in terms of the quality of the translation and the
efficiency with which the work is being pursued.

. Associate Editors for the Old and New Testaments, who are especially
capable in the biblical languages and exegesis.  Associate Editors
coordinate all Committee procedures related to their areas of expertise.

After the Committee on Translation produces draft translations of the
books of the Bible, a select group of Contributing Scholars carefully
reviews the drafts and offers suggestions for their improvement.  At the
same time, an English Review Committee checks the translation for
adherence to modern literary and communication standards and suggests
stylistic improvements for the consideration of the Committee on

Principles of Translation Used in the ISV

The following 27 principles of translation are being followed in
producing the ISV.

1.  For the Old Testament, the Masoretic text as published in the latest
edition of the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia is used as the base text,
in consultation with other ancient Hebrew texts (such as the Dead Sea
Scrolls and the Samaritan Pentateuch) and ancient versions (the
Septuagint, the Vulgate, the Syriac Peshitta, and the Targums).
Restraint is exercised in the use of conjectural emendations from the
Masoretic Hebrew text.  All significant departures from Stuttgartensia,
as well as all significant textual variants, are indicated in footnotes.
2.  For the New Testament, the 27th edition of the Nestle-Aland Novum
Testamentum Graece and the fourth corrected edition of the United Bible
Societies' Greek New Testament are the base text.  All significant
textual variants are indicated in footnotes.  

3.  The ISV uses literary English, avoiding idioms that come and go, and
is as traditional as necessary.  Terms such as "justification,"
"redemption," "atonement," and the Johannine "abide in" formulae have
been retained.  Where the Committee on Translation determines that a
word-for-word translation is unacceptable, a change can be made in the
direction of a more current language idiom.  In these instances, the
more literal rendering is indicated in a footnote.
4.  When the text can be understood in different ways, an attempt is
made either to provide a rendering in which the same ambiguity appears
in English, or to decide the more likely sense and translate
accordingly.  In the latter case, a footnote indicates the alternative
understanding of the text.  In general, the ISV attempts to preserve the
relative ambiguity of the text rather than to make positive statements
that depend on the translators' judgment or that might reflect
theological bias.
5.  Whenever possible, a short sentence is translated by a short
sentence.  However, a very long sentence may be translated in two or
more sentences, provided the original intent of the text is accurately
6.  Regarding the Greek tenses, the ISV is guided by observing the
grammatical nuances of the Greek in conjunction with the language rules
of contemporary English.  The policy of distinguishing the Greek
imperfect tense from the aorist indicative is followed when the
distinction is grammatically significant and stylistically acceptable.
For example, in addition to the progressive imperfect (e.g., "he was
proclaiming"), other possible renderings of the imperfect tense include
the inceptive imperfect ("he began to proclaim"), the iterative
imperfect ("he used to proclaim"), and the customary imperfect ("he
would proclaim").  Where the context indicates that no distinction is
being made between the imperfect and the aorist, the aoristic imperfect
("he proclaimed") is used.  
7.  Special attention is given to the translation of Hebrew, Aramaic,
and Greek conjunctions.  They are rendered in ways that best fit the
immediate context or omitted in translation without a footnote when
deemed pleonastic.
8.  In the Old Testament, the traditional "LORD" is used for Yahweh.
Where the Hebrew Adonai Yahweh occurs, the rendering "Lord GOD" is used.
Most titles of God are translated in the text, with the original title
placed in a footnote.
9.  A noun may be substituted for a pronoun when it is needed for
clarity.  In these cases, the literal rendering is placed in a footnote.

10.  Characteristic features of the original languages, such as order of
words and the structure of phrases and clauses, are to be reproduced in
translation wherever possible without sacrificing English style.
11.  The use of inclusive language is limited to where the meaning of
the original text is inclusive of both sexes, and then only without
compromising scholarly integrity or good English style.  Specifically: 
a.  The generic use of "he," "him," "his," "himself," etc.  may be used
to translate generic third person masculine singular pronouns in Hebrew,
Aramaic, and Greek.  Person and number are retained: Generally,
singulars are not changed to plurals, and third person statements are
not changed to second person or first person statements.
b.  Substantival participles such as ho pisteuon may be rendered
inclusively: "the one who believes," "the person who believes," etc.
c.  "Man," "mankind," "humankind," "humanity," "people," "human beings,"
etc.  may be used to designate the human race or human beings in
d.  Hebrew zaqar and Greek aner are usually translated "man" or "men."
e.  The Greek plural noun anthropoi may be translated "people" or
"persons" instead of "men." The singular anthropos may be translated
"person" or "man" when it refers to a male human being.
f.  The Greek indefinite pronoun tis may be rendered "anyone,"
"someone," "a person," "a man," etc.
g.  Pronouns such as the Greek oudeis may be rendered "no one," "no
person," etc.
h.  When used substantivally, the Hebrew kol and the Greek pas may be
rendered "everyone," "every man," or (in the plural) "all people."
i.  "Son of Man" as a traditional reference to Christ is retained.
j.  Masculine references to God are retained.
k.  The Greek plural noun adelphoi is normally rendered "brothers" but
may be changed to such expressions as "fellow believers" or "dear
friends" in appropriate contexts.
l.  Hebrew ben and Greek huios may be rendered "child" or "children" and
"son" or "sons."
m.  Hebrew ab and Greek pater may be rendered "parent" or "parents,"
"ancestor" or "ancestors," "fathers" or "fore-fathers."
12.  Because the original languages of Scripture provide no special
indication (other than grammatical context, of course) to identify
pronouns or predicate nominatives that refer to deity, predicate
nominatives and pronouns whose antecedent is God the Father, Jesus, or
the Holy Spirit are rarely capitalized.  The word "law" is capitalized
only when it refers to a specific section of Scripture (e.g., the "Law
and the Prophets") or is used as a part of a title (e.g., "Book of the
13.  The serial comma is used before the last item in a series of
persons, places, or things.
14.  The relative pronoun "which" is used (1) after a comma, (2) in the
expression "that which," and (3) in a question.  Otherwise, the pronoun
"that" is used.
15.  For the future tense, the auxiliary verb "will" is used in the New
Testament in place of "shall." In the Old Testament, "shall" may be used
in contexts where the language is imperatival (e.g., "you shall not
murder").  With the simple future, "will" is used.  
16.  The Hebrew and Greek words traditionally translated "Behold!" are
rendered in ways that best fit the immediate context and that best
represent contemporary English usage (e.g., "Look," "See," "Suddenly,"
"Here," "Indeed," etc.).
17.  Because the Hebrew and Greek equivalents to the English "It came to
pass..." are often only transitional words marking the beginning of a
new episode, they are sometimes not reproduced.  In other instances, the
translator may use a more natural English equivalent (e.g., "It was so,"
"And then," "Later," etc.).
18.  In parallel texts such as the Synoptic Gospels, 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2
Kings, and 1 & 2 Chronicles, consistency of rendering is carefully
19.  The Hebrew and Greek counterpart for "saying," when pleonastic, may
be omitted in translation without a footnote.
20.  Marginal notes may include literal renderings (Lit.), alternate
renderings (Or), explanatory words or phrases (I.e.), notes on
significant textual variants, and other explanatory comments.  With
textual variants, language such as "the earliest and best manuscripts
omit..." or "most manuscripts add..." is avoided.  Instead, the
following language is used: "other manuscripts lack...," "other
manuscripts read...," etc.
21.  When the New Testament quotes from the Old Testament, quotation
marks surround the quote and a reference to the source of the quotation
is footnoted.  The sources of New Testament quotations from literature
other than the Old Testament are also referenced in footnotes, when
22.  If additional words are necessary to clarify the sense of the
translation, the literal rendering is set forth in a footnote.
Alternatively, an explanatory footnote may be added indicating that the
original text lacks the additional wording.
23.  The Greek term Hades appears to be employed as the equivalent of
the Hebrew Sheol, the general realm of the dead. Both terms rarely
appear in transliteration; instead, the ISV usually renders these terms
as "realm of the dead," "afterlife," or "where the dead are," depending
upon context. Departures from this policy are clearly footnoted. The
Greek Gehenna is rendered "hell." Tartarus is rendered "lowest hell,"
with an explanatory footnote.
24.  Subheads are used to identify flow of thought and themes.  Parallel
passages, where they exist, are cited in subheads.  
25.  Parentheses may be used in the text whenever called for by the
sense of the passage.  The ISV does not use brackets to indicate
disputed verses.  Instead, footnotes indicate the absence of such verses
in some manuscripts.
26.  Poetic passages in both the Old and New Testaments are printed in
poetic form.  Certain New Testament hymns and sayings are rendered in
poetry (e.g., 2 Timothy 2:11-13) (page 5).
27.  Quoted statements of speakers may be rendered into English using
contractions (e.g., "can't," "won't," "don't," etc.) in order to
communicate a sense of natural spoken informality.  The use of English
language contractions will usually be avoided when translating
historical narratives or apostolic correspondence in order to
communicate a sense of formal literary composition.
28.  Numbers one hundred or less are rendered as words unless they
comprise part of an inventory list or census enumeration. Numbers from
101 and above are rendered with Arabic numerals. Measurements are
rendered in English units with metric equivalents placed within an
explanatory footnote.

About The ISV Foundation Triglyph

The ISV logo is a triglyph of three historic symbols.  The upper symbol
is the Menorah.  The center symbol is the Magen David ("Star of David").
The lower symbol, the Ichthus, is that of a fish.  The Menorah is the
traditional symbol of Judaism.  The Magen David also became identified
with Judaism.  Today, it is the official symbol of the State of Israel
and appears on its national flag.  Early Christians used the Ichthus as
an identifying mark between believers.  In the Greek language, the word
"fish" (IXOYE) is an acrostic that spells out the words "Jesus Christ
Son of God Savior." The ISV triglyph is a combination of all three
historic images, thus symbolizing the historic roots from which the
Church developed.  In an informal archaeological dig, a Greek Orthodox
monk on Mount Zion, Jerusalem discovered the original triglyph from
which the ISV logo is derived.  The original triglyph was inscribed on a
number of different stones that may have their origin in the Byzantine
period, fourth to seventh centuries, A.D.  If this claim is accurate,
the existence of this triglyph means that the Magen David has existed as
a symbol of dispersed Israel from the early Christian centuries.  The
ISV Foundation claims the image of the triglyph as it appears on the
cover of this volume as a trademark to indicate the foundation's
exclusive rights to utilize it for use in Bible translations and Bible
study tools.  These tools include volumes produced by various ministry
subsidiaries of The ISV Foundation.

ISV Research and Translation Team

A team of biblical scholars consisting of the Committee on Translation,
a group of Contributing Scholars, and an English Review Committee is
developing the International Standard Version.  The following are the
ISV team members at press time:

Committee on Translation
George Giacumakis, Jr., Ph.D.  - General Editor
California State University, Fullerton
Edward M.  Curtis, Ph.D.  - Associate Editor, Old Testament
Talbot School of Theology, Biola University
David Alan Black, D.Theol.  - Associate Editor, New Testament
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Robert A. Morey, D.Min., D.D.
Research and Education Foundation
Ronald D.  Rietveld, Ph.D.
California State University, Fullerton
William P.  Welty, M.Div.
Executive Director, The ISV Foundation

Contributing Scholars and Their Affiliated Institutions
Gleason Archer, Ph.D.
Craig L.  Blomberg, Ph.D.
James A.  Brooks, D.Phil.
Gary M.  Burge, Ph.D.
Richard J.  Erickson, Ph.D.
Harold W.  Hoehner, Th.D., Ph.D.
Arthur H.  Lewis, Ph.D.
Malcolm F.  Lowe, Ph.D.
Scott E.  McClelland, Ph.D.
Douglas J.  Moo, Ph.D.
J.  Robert Vannoy, Ph.D.

English Review Committee
John J.  Brugaletta, Ph.D.
Robert D.  Carpenter, M.D.
Nicolle A. Danna
Charles Missler, Ph.D.
Ted Curtis Smythe, Ph.D.
Charles R. Welty
Efrem Zimbalist, Jr.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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