Sorry Glenn. It wasn't Acts 5:5 (though I thank you for the kind word you gave. It was very uplifting... again). I meant Acts 15:5. In referring to Acts 23:6-9, I refer specifically to Paul's testimony of "Brethren, I am a Pharisee, a son of Pharisees"
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----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, 03 April, 2003 14:35
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Check out

This is still under the law.  The death, burial, and resurrection of Christ had not happened yet.  The New Testament church was started in Acts 2 on the Day of Pentecost at 9:00 AM.  Sounds like he is condemning them here too. 

Glenn... you say "He told the Pharisees they were of their father the devil" a lot. Could you explain Matt 23:2-3

Acts 5:5.  I think if one can read they can understand this.

Acts 23:6-9.  This shows you can have your doctrine right (Pharisees believed in the resurrection) and still be condemned by Jesus.

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