Be obedient to the Scriptures and this conversation would be moot; i.e., James 5:12, Matt 23:16-22; Matt 5:34-37.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, 04 April, 2003 13:24
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk]

I understand your point of view.  However, please clarify if 
1.  You think one can be a Christian and a Mason at the same time?
2.  Do you think a person can swear allegiance (as an American soldier) and be a Christian at the same time?
3.  A person can swear allegiance to the US Constitution and be a Christian at the same time.  I use the word "Christian" not as the world and DavidM uses it but as the Bible uses the term.  A Christian is one that belongs to Christ.
Are you saying this would be divided loyalties?

My personal decision is to follow Christ.  Because He desires it, I will be a good citizen.  I was once patriotic and once served my country, but I will not swear allegiance to any country that legalizes the murder of innocent unborn children.

As for the president and the policemen, they have bowed to a worshipful master if they are masons, and like alcoholics anon, they worship a generic God.  When he renounces his membership, I may believe him, but not until then.

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