Ok, here is my point.  You condemn me for "slinging insults" and you come back and sling insults at me.  You are condemned by the Bible.  "With what judgment ye judge ye shall be judged".

Now I still don't understand your answer to my question.   Since my ears and eyes are closed yell it.   Yes, or no.  What is it? 

Did you ever answer the question that I have to observe Saturday worship to belong to Christ?

Yes I did. Too bad you can't open your eyes to see instead of slinging insults. At least if these were Godly admonitions I could be edifying and I could grow. Your posts do nothing to me. I'm not even frustrated by them.

However, let me answer your underlined question YET AGAIN, but let me say it another way. I am not your judge. YHVH is your judge. Ask him and may your conscience be clear... if you have one. If you think having an Easter Egg Hunt party is good Christian fun so be it. If you think Shabbat is a good time to go shopping, so be it. If you think adhering to the Torah is sin, so be it. What you think has no merit in reality. You will continue to do things that seem right in your own eyes, and YHVH will do with you as he sees fit.

I don't understand what you are saying below.

But you are right on one point. The Bible does not condemn Sunday; nor does it condemn Tuesday. Christmas and Easter, however, you are DEAD wrong.

----- Original Message -----


Sent: Friday, 04 April, 2003 15:42
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Mercy Mercy

With all due respect, it doesn't matter what you think.   That's not intended to be an attack on you.  I know for sure for certain that I am saved forever.  God has mercy on my soul as I am saved by grace through faith without Saturday worship.  I am not under the law.  That's what the Bible says.  I have a higher standard than Saturday worship.

I do not make up new sins that are not in the Bible.  The Bible does not condemn Sunday, Christmas or Easter, or Tuesday.  Here is my guess.  You are not a soul winner.  When was the last time you led someone to faith in Jesus Christ.  No answer needed.  The Bible also talks about making people twofold more the child of hell than yourselves. 

My heros are soulwinners.  I know one man who has baptized at least one person for every day he has been alive.  He is over 70 years of age.  He could never win another person to Christ and live to be 300 and this would still be true. 

Did you ever answer the question that I have to observe Saturday worshp to belong to Christ?

Personally I am going to celebrate this Saturday by buying some chocolate Easter eggs.  :-)

And may God have mercy on YOUR soul!! I won't let my children celebrate the Spring fraternity rites. I don't like the idea of them "playing sperm" as they hunt for the eggs. Gross!!

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