Personally, I hope for everyone--regardless of viewpoint--on TT to be comfortable discussing issues.  That's why I get a bit bent out of shape with hateful, caustic, castigating people--I don't want them chasing people off with their "casting you into hell" kind of talk.  I think that is entirely inappropriate and unloving.


However, my issue with Dave H is much like what others have clearly expressed. Behind his very nice guy veneer he seems demonically motivated.  He claims to want to learn truth with such sincerity, but whenever truth is offered up to him on a silver platter in an irrefutable manner he changes the subject and asks a question a bit off the mark just to get out from under the point (which was the truth he pretended to want to know!) I have watched him do this for YEARS, and it is VERY PREDICTABLE.  This is just like trying to skewer a very wiggly earthworm on a piece of wet glass with a toothpick.  No matter how you poke the thing it manages to slither out from under your point.  I really dislike slithering....




-----Original Message-----

I think your harping on being

here to learn what Protestants believe has misled many as well.


DaveH wrote:

> I suppose my comfort could cause the discomfort

> of others.  I'll have to ponder that.


Yes, this is very true!  I have received private emails from people

telling me that something is spiritually wrong if a Mormon feel

comfortable to be on the list.  They view this as something faulty.

Interestingly, you seem to be the only Mormon that sticks around about

like I'm the only Street Preacher who sticks around. LOL.  Nevertheless,

I do think you are onto something here with the idea that your comfort

here is discomforting to others.  Maybe some others on the list would

like to comment on this idea.



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