Dave H,

 I too believe in free agency, and therefore would not try to pressure
someone into my own beliefs.  I know that without the inspiration of the
Holy Spirit in their lives there is NOTHING I can do to influence anyone to
seek after Jesus.  I do NOT believe that we are "all spiritual brothers"
(scripture clearly disproves that demonic lie by stating that a very FEW are
sons of God who find the path to eternal life.)  

However I respect everyone's deliberate CHOICE to reject the true Christ, as
you unfortunately have done. This does NOT mean that I am eager to condemn
you to hell (far from it!!!), but have resigned myself to accept your
condemnation of yourself, and sadly at that.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dave

    Maybe there is a major difference between the way LDS folks practice
their religion, and Protestants practice theirs.  We try not to see an
adversarial relationship between men and differing theologies.  We view all
men as being spiritual brothers who have differing paths in their journey of
eternal progression.  For someone to force another to walk a specific path
detracts from the free agency aspect of the plan of salvation.  So I don't
think it is of benefit to twist somebody's arm to make them
believe like we do.  IMO, it is better to let them come to that conclusion
on their own.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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