Chris Barr wrote:
> I see your still spinning, David.

No, I am not.  If you want spin, just visit the IBT website at  Notice how they post replies but
do not provide links to the material being replied to.  You will only
hear one side there.  That is spin.

If you want to break away from spin, then discuss the facts of this
case.  Be desirous to hear both sides.  Have you read the court
documents concerning this case?  I have.  

Chris Barr wrote:
> Even if your facts were straight and you were 
> right you'd still be wrong.  Ever hear of Dred 
> Scott?  Jim Crow?  How about Roe v Wade or the 
> recent Nuremburg Files holocaust?  

What are you trying to argue, that each citizen can do whatever seems
right in his own eyes?  Are you arguing against the idea of a society
being subject to the rule of law?

Chris Barr wrote:
> Not to mention that the administration 
> LIED (John 8:44).

How did the administration lie?  That is a strong accusation.  Can you
back it up with facts?  Lies in these matters are usually just a big
misunderstanding.  Please state the lie made by the administration.

Chris Barr wrote:
> New Moon is a time noted throughout Scripture 
> for holy convocation.  It is a time noted that 
> revelation light is more available for the faithful 
> who have eyes to see and ears to hear.  (That 
> leaves you out ... Matthew 13:14-15.)

I might have more revelation on this matter than you perceive.

For the sake of facts and not spin, the following quote is taken from
Judge Barker's summary judgment of June 29, 1999:

"Defendant apparently believes it can evade federal tax law by
metamorphosing into various different forms of entity. On this, it is
sadly mistaken. Although Defendant's tactics may have resulted in enough
confusion to cause the IRS to use an incorrect employer identification
number in assessing its tax liabilities, such tactics do not save
Defendant from the harsh ramifications it now faces as a result of years
of tax evasion. The record is clear that Defendant has failed to pay its
tax liabilities and  owes the United States $5,319,750.27 plus interest
and other additions pursuant to law accruing after July 27, 1998."

Clearly, it was proven in a court of law that the church did owe taxes.
Follow the money on all this and you will find the sin.

Note also that the church is prospering now with about 45 different home
groups.  Praise the Lord for using his servants of the United States of
America (Romans 13:1-7) to help steer the church toward his work.  Let's
pray that the church learns to obey Romans 13 in deed and in truth.  May
we all mature to be found without rebuke in the midst of this perverse

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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