I was in too much of a hurry (lots going on) and missed this
part of your message, have now done what you recommended 'j'

 "Bruce Woodford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
I wrote:  "I've been a student of scripture for a long time 
 Bruce and have never seen these different responsibilities. What 
is required of anyone who comes to Christ other than to be 
conformed to His image?... I'm curious about these 
'different responsibilities' Bruce. What are they? We need to be 
 careful not to put burdens upon people that the Lord is not 
Judy, I think you are well aware, for example, that Jews 
(even believing Jews) have never been relieved of their 
responsibility relative to physical circumcision. But Gentiles 
have no such responsibility. See Acts 15

Believing Jews have no such responsibility Bruce because
since the resurrection circumcision has been that of the heart 
and not the flesh, this explained by Gal 3:28 ie: there is no
difference between.....

Servants and masters have differing responsibilities. See 
Ephesians 6:5; Colossians 3:22; Colossians 4:1;  1 Timothy 6:1; 
Titus 2:9; 1 Peter 2:18  So too men and women have different 
responsibilities: See I Cor.11:1-16;  I Cor.14:26-40; 
Ephesians 5:22-25; I Tim.2:8-15; 3:8-12; II Tim.2:2-7 

I see what you are saying Bruce, but the above pertains
to what we do rather than who we are. It is about our
responsibility to walk in love toward those around us.
 Dear Sister, I never claimed that the law had "gone anywhere"! 
It is still and will ever remain the scripture of which the theme 
is Christ!  Nor did I ever claim that were were "free from the 
law"!  What I did say is what scripture says, i.e. that we are 
"not under the law". Scripture also declares that we are 
"dead to the law". 

Yes scripture does say that but we must understand that 
this declaration is conditional upon our walking after the
Spirit. If the flesh remains active and kicking then we are
not "dead to the law" because the law is judging the deeds
of the flesh as we write.

As to the curse of the law, that too was fully dealt with for 
us by Christ!   "Christ hath redeemed us from the 
 curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, 
 Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:" Galatians 3:13

Yes, He was made a curse for us and He paid the price for
our transgressions and iniquities. However, once more the
conditions are that we repent and turn from them. It is
obvious that the majority who call themselves Christian
have not done this because they are dressed in the curses
rather than in Christ.
Since we are not under the law as children under a 
schoolmaster but have been adopted as sons.... Jews and 
Gentiles, bondmen and freemen and males and females 
can come together to minister mutually one to another as 
 members in the body of Christ in which we are one.

Yes potentially Bruce, but just as the Jews during the time
of Jesus' earthly ministry were potentially the children of
Abraham - but didn't walk in the faith of Abraham and
so didn't receiving the blessings of Abraham.  The exact
same thing applies here.

Grace and Peace,
"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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