Below is a short excerpt from the website that should be enough
to demonstrate that the 'spirit' of Spignola is not the spirit of Christ.
Grace and Peace,
Spignola is about an open advocacy of enforcing God's law through violence. To him, those defying His law shall be put to death. He broke from Brother Jed recently because Jed did not defend Dennis Malvasi a person who spent time in jail for bombing an abortion clinic, and is currently in jail facing charges of helping James Kopp, the person charged with killing abortion doctor Bernard Slepian. Spingola's list of the condemned has meant homosexuals, abortion supporters, Episcopalians, etc. At a event in Virginia sponsored by like-minded individuals, he reinforced this belief. "My wife used to say 'Honey, do you believe all homosexuals should be put to death?'" he told the crowd. "I said 'No, dear, you get about a half a dozen of the activists, you kill them and the rest of them will go back in the closet.'" During a Bible Study at his home, Spingola reiterated his statement, defending it with Leviticus 20:13.

His anti-choice stance on abortion is met with the same approach. When he demonstrates outside an abortion clinic in Columbus, he is seen often with a sign reading, "Whoso sheddeth Man's blood by Man shall his blood be shed." Outside the clinic, he has continually made threats against staff and patients shouting once "You are going to pay dearly for what you're doing. Don't say we didn't warn you." Spingola corresponds routinely with those in jail for engaging in violence at clinics, as well as with others who support the practice. He is close to Michael Bray, who heads up the terrorist outfit Army of God, the group that sponsored the banquet Spingola spoke at, and is the main group that people look at when it comes to pro-Christian violence.

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