Carroll: Must someone else fight your fights for you?I thought Thorites were suppose to be tough-and when the chips are down the martial artist of the wolf style calls the cops for help-where is your faith in your great god?

TPW: *Smiles* We are tough, we are also intelligent. Why pursue an act of vigilantism when you can have lawful methods used that reduce both bloodshed and pointless effort?

I mean really. And furthermore, As a Thorite I am called on obeying the law. And warning authorities on illegal activity is lawful, it's called "civic duty".

Besides, if you are arrested by the police, you have the right to a fair trial. If I took the law in my own hands, I not only make myself a criminal, but also you would find yourselves without any of the rights granted to you by the constitution.

I mean you do want a fair trial right? Judged by your peers and even have a chance to avoid jail time/execution and other nasty things? I hope so.


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