JT: I don't have any methods or schemes - and from what they write neither do the street preachers. They believe they are laying down their lives to offer you eternal assurance TPW. I still can't figure out what is so fascinating about being pagan.

TPW: Methods and schemes they have. Tactics and M.O. they possess by the cartload. From the simple tract right down to the carefully orchastrated "crusades" in so-called "Heathen society".
In fact the most irritating one is what some would compare to a pushy salesperson, who tries to sell you a product that you have either no interest in or no need for. The even more clueless then wonder why there is so much backlash towards them.

As for me being Pagan, it has nothing to do with "fascination". If you can't figure it out, that's fine, I don't expect you too, as it's spirituality varies on the individual. But for me, it's a connection to my true past, not the one that many would have me believe, it's also part of a spiritual tip of the hat to all Gods that are existant, since to me all Gods exist (Including yours)

You see, I will never call your God or anyone's God false. It's a big universe, and it's possibilities numerous. I would never sneer at what someone believes unless it would make them think it makes them better than the rest. While the true believer -regardless of faith- remains humble, he or she may be surrounded by 20-30 people who are spiritually full of it!

Another aspect of my being Pagan that I like is the fact that I never feel alone. Since alot of us listen to the rhythm of the earth, we know that life abounds and we can just feel it's slow cycle around us. We also realise how we are a mere mote in it and that very fact is humbling to the one who does pay attention.

And from a supernatural view, I feel my own strenght. This is what disconcerts me at times from those "witnessing" to me half the time. They feel strongly about their belief, but the minute I object or explain to them that I have no need of their way, I sense some kind of insecurity creeping in, as If I took something away.

Depending on the individual I will either let them rot, or reassure them that they shouldn't be ashamed of the path they have chosen. I do keep forgetting that I can shake one's faith rather soundly If I am not careful.

And there is the secrecy of our ways. It amuses me how some of you expose your most private thoughts and sometimes frailties when speaking to me of such things. To me, Prayer or chant should be done in private, away from prying eyes and ears. Those are private things and so no one should know of them except you and the divinity you affiliate yourself with.

And if you want to give yourself a much simpler idea of what it's like to be Pagan, here's what you can do, and it won't compromise your faith one bit.

Go to a coffee shop, order yourself a gourmet coffee, with a small pastry, and gaze upon the world as it passes you by and just look at the whole world, see the good and the bad interacting, the visible and the invisible going about their way and then savour the moment by sipping that coffee when it's not too hot but definitly not too cold and breathe deeply. Then take a bite out of that pastry. That will give you an idea of what it's like to me, to exist as a Pagan.


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