I have a cousin who is running around, very blatantly and unrepentantly, on her husband. (This was discovered a few weeks ago when her teen-aged son and his best friend found the love letters she has written to his friend's father!) Her husband has called us for moral support, as they have both now filed for divorce. We are praying with him and encouraging him as much as possible. Of course it is hard because they have 3 children, and have been married about 15 years. But he sounds a lot like he would take her back if she would just come home. Even if she does grow tired of her boyfriend and drag tail back home, do you think he should take her back-under any circumstances?

TPW: My view on this is that he shouldn't. Once a cheater always a cheater. Your support should probably better focused on giving him a hand with obtaining custody of the kids and emotional support that a victim (Yes I believe that is the proper term here) needs.

One thing Christian values and Asatru Values have is a strong family code of ethics and a desire for spousal fidelity. Infidelity is both an insult to the spouse and an act of betrayal towards the family.

It cannot be forgiven so easily.

Luckily the son is a teen-ager so it's not so bad. But he will have to be nurtured in being reminded that not all women are as treacherous. Such situations do leave a lingering thought in one's mind.

I am sorry if I sound callous, but sometimes one must cut the Gordian knot!


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