tc: Dave, you are an intelligent person.  You have the ability to reason and to use logic.Try to put those skills to use as I take it from the top in a manner that even a blithering idiot could understand.  The Greek Bible refers to the garden of Eden as Paradise.  The word Paradise is of Persian origin, meaning park.
It does not mean prison!  It does not mean the grave!  It means a pleasant place, just as the garden was a pleasant place.  People who were saved prior to the resurrection went there while awaiting the fullfillment of time.  No one went there who was not scheduled for Heaven.  This applies especially ro the theif on the cross, because my Savior has said,"I will NEVER leave you or forsake you.  He did not say, "I will take you half way", and He did not say, "Stay here until someone gets baptised for you".  The scriptures teach that we are to repent of our sins.  The theif did that, publicly.  The scriptures tell us to trust Jesus.  The theif did that, publicly.  The scriptures tell us to be baptised into Christ.  The theif was.  Jesus said He would not forsake anyone who made Him Lord of their life.  He did not forsake the theif.  Jesus is in Heaven.  So is the theif.
You. of course, will respectfully disagree.
DAVEH:  And your position is......?  If so, then please provide multiple (I'd even be happy to see a single) Biblical evidence the thief went to heaven.  From what Scripture tells us, it seems to explain only that the thief went to paradise.  What happened to him after that, is not recorded.  He may still reside in

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