From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Kevin wrote:
>> I ask again how long have you been saved
>> and how many people have you led to the Lord?

Judy wrote:
> For what reason Kevin - are these my supposed
> credentials? the important thing should be -
> is what I am speaking Truth or is it error?
Judy, I think that Kevin is asking a very legitimate question.  The
stance that you and some others have taken is that Kevin has been going
about preaching the gospel in the wrong way.  It seems quite natural
that Kevin should ask you what kind of success your method brings.
To begin with I don't know how Kevin ministers never having heard
his message and secondly I don't believe "the end justifies the means"
was ever a godly/scriptural principle. 
Those of us reading your exchange would be very interested in knowing
whether any of these sinners, the kind that Kevin approaches, come to
Christ by you staying at home rather than going out in public.  For
example, Kevin shared that about 20 Mormons have come to Christ through
his personal efforts, and that others have come through those who he has
led to do what he does. 
Well it's good to have all those notches on his belt but not good to
use it as a point of pride because there will still be those who have
done all those things and the Lord will say "I never did know you" depart
from me....
So, how many Mormons have come to your door and come to Jesus Christ by
using your method of letting them be drawn to you rather than you going
out and preaching to them and trying to make disciples? 
I have a Mormon coming to my house for Christmas dinner this year but
God has not called me to go out and preach to Mormons, not everyone
has the same calling.
I think Kevin's secondary point is that if the answer to this question
is zero, then he would like to know why you think he should switch to
your method when the Bible speaks of how some bear a little fruit while
others bear a lot of fruit.  I think Kevin wants to bear a lot of fruit,
and he sees you as somebody saying, "hey, don't bear more fruit than me.
Stop doing that and do it my way."  Of course, if you answer that you
have led 1,000 Mormons to Christ using your method, he will likely pack
up his stuff and come visit you and learn from you how you do it.
Kevin is mistaken then - I am not trying to tell him to do anything; what
I am questioning is anything that is supposedly done for the sake of the
Kingdom of God and not motivated by love.
My guess is that you and Kevin do different jobs and reach very
different kinds of people.  If your answer is zero with regards to
Mormon conversions, I suspect you could bring up how you have helped
shepherd many in the ways of the Lord and strengthened saints in this
way.  In other words, however you answer does not condemn you
necessarily, but it does help clarify whether or not Kevin should drop
his method and take up yours.  It could be that you both could work
together.  Kevin might come to your community and harvest souls, leaving
them in your hands to increase the church.  One plants, another waters.
I find it sad and disconcerting that God's ppl are reduced to 'methods'
Just like so many fads that go through the professing Church, first the
Prayer of Jabez and now this Purpose Driven Life/Church.  Everyone has
to do this new program now.  You would think there was no Holy Spirit.

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