What exactly is so BAD about a PUBLIC display of Temple attire?
Why also is the LDS HIGH PRIEST who asualted one of the "preachers", called a HERO
by the LDS?
I call that a THUG!
My pastor would not asault someone for holding underwear?
Is this how yor HIGH PRIESTS behave?
Why the BIG Play on the emotions of others to try and pressure us to stop?
When that failed why the pressure thru city hall to write City ordinances to silence our speech & put away our signs & consign us to a location up the street?
We are getting through to LDS and the Church will do anything to silence us.
This includes FALSE news stories in the Church owned papers & TV stations.
Back room meetings with City government officials who are LDS.
It also Includes, PHYSICAL ASUALT by LDS BOUNCERS (those security guards with cameras & the little ear pieces like secret service) intimidation, & death threats.
What a wonderful community Salt Lake.
I really like the FITHY language of the LDS priests at the priesthood meetings. I have to go to the drunk crowd at the Mardi Gras to get the same filthy language.
Of all the other events even the UN Churched do not speak like that priesthood crowd.
I even have tape of some Priest saying G D

Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

David Miller wrote:

> Generally speaking, however, I don't think street preachers go out of
> their way to be disrespectful. There are always exceptions.

DAVEH: Would you think the public display of the street preachers in SLC waving LDS underwear is one of those exceptions?

> Peace be with you.
> David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

Dave Hansen
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