Hi again Judy, 
I think we are closer in beliefs than you think.  I don't even disagree with most of what you have said.  However, one of our articles of faith states,
"We believe men (and women) will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam's transgression."  We do not believe in infant baptism, as we believe children are born innocent.  Because we did inherit Adam's fallen nature, however, we believe eventually we will sin--but not until we understand right from wrong, which starts to happen with most people at about age eight yrs., an age revealed to JS, by the way.  We do not baptize until that age or older.  People who never achieve the mental age of 8 yrs, are considered to be innocent before God, and will go to heaven automatically.  Children who die before the age of 8 yrs are in the same category. 
Also, we do emulate Jesus Christ, and through his atonement hope to become  like him--but we do this due to his mercy, not as a result of our own righteousness--we are ALL sinners, right?  Basically, our doctrine is that we will be saved by grace, but only after all we can do for ourselves.  We do not believe we will get a free ride into heaven on Jesus' coattails.   We have to show our faith by being willing to keep his commandments.  If we slip up, then we have to repent and try again. This can be a long process.  But as he has commanded us, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as  my Father in Heaven is perfect."      (The Book of Mormon, by the way, says it slightly differently--it goes, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as I and your father in heaven are perfect.)
Peace,  BlaineRB
On Sat, 20 Dec 2003 02:45:14 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> > ***   Actually Judy, from my point of view, it seems you are doing
> > the
> > same think  (I misspelled "thing" but decided the new word fit
> > better)--reading your own interpretation into it.  Did you get
> your
> > interpretation from your minister, or is this your very own
> original
> > interp?  (">)
> >
> > Judy:
> > Neither Blaine - this is what the scriptures teach  - the mystery
> of
> > godliness which is "Christ in you the hope of glory"
> > It's either Christ in you or the antichrist in you with no hope of
> > glory,
> > take your pick.
> BLAINERB: Again you seem to be setting us up as unreal straw men, so
> you
> can then adroitly knock us over.   We choose to have Jesus Christ as
> our
> ideal model, and seek in every way to emulate him, and to live as
> he
> would live.  Is this what you mean by suggesting we have the
> antiChrist
> within?
> Judy:
> I'm not setting anything up Blaine; I am speaking of spiritual
> realities
> and
> you are talking about the temporal.  When Adam chose the fallen
> wisdom
> offered to him in the garden he became one with it and separated
> from
> God.
> This is the inheritance we are all born with - every last one of us
> and
> the
> scripture teaches that the ONLY way back to God is by receiving
> Christ as
> Lord and Savior being born again by the Spirit of God wherein one
> becomes
> part of a new creation (2 Cor 5:17) and growing in grace until we
> are
> once
> more one with God's nature and character by being conformed to the
> image
> of Christ.  As I know you are aware the professing Church has a way
> to
> go.
> As for emulating Jesus, this is impossible because God will not
> bless
> what
> has already been cursed and our old Adamic nature is under a
> sentence of
> death; this is why we must become part of the 2nd Adam.  Both are
> described in the book of Romans.
> udy
> > On Wed, 17 Dec 2003 05:53:44 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> > >
> > >
> > > From: Blaine R Borrowman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >
> > >
> > > Ruben wrote:  Then we arrive at Salt Lake city in the same
> > fashion,
> > > where we exhort those that have perverted God, teaching that he
> > was
> > > once
> > > like us.or we will be gods..HOW PERVERTED.
> > >
> > > Blaine:  I think this is purely a judgement call on Ruben's
> part. 
> >
> > > There are many good scriptures showing  God allows us--wants
> us--
> > > to be like him. Here is one of them--I will try to find more
> > > tomorrow if
> > > needed:
> > > 1 John 3:2  "Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth
> > > not yet appear what we shall be:  But we know that, when he
> shall
> > > appear,
> > >
> > > we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is."
> > >
> > > Judy:  Hi Blaine,
> > > Being LIKE HIM, and actually being God are two different things.
> > He
> > > wants
> > > us to be conformed to the 'image of Christ' that is, his nature
> > and
> > > character,
> > > but this does not make us God.  There is a difference - you are
> > > reading
> > > something into the text that shouldn't be there.
> ----------
> "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you
> may
> know how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
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