-----Original Message-----
I once prayed with a 5 year old and saw him receive the Holy Spirit, so
that tells me that Joseph Smith was wrong about this 8 years of age
thing.  I also know someone whose son received the Holy Spirit when he
was 3 years of age.

My 5 yr old Grandaughter has been "saved" for over a year and a half.  She was not quite 4 when she started asking questions after VBS.  At first we were hesitant to believe she really understood but she has shown evidence that she did and still remembers her decision.  I'm sure as she gets older she will deepen her faith or whatever.At this point she can tell us how she was saved and what it means to be saved.    My point is not to argue whether it is a genuine decision but to say that children at an early age know right from wrong and sense the need for saving grace etc.  I'm sure it makes a difference when they are in church and hear the gospel over and over but I have a problem with putting an age on it.  Jesus put a special emphasis on the importance of children and rebuked those who tried to shove the children away. 


Laura, My sons prayed with me to receive Christ when they were just 5 and 3 years old.  When the 5 year old wanted to pray with me the 3 year old asked if he could, too.  I said, no you are too young.  But he insisted he wasn’t and begged to be allowed to pray also.  So both of them received Christ at the same time, with tears in their little eyes.  They are now in their 30’s, with families of their own, and still faithful the Jesus—Praise His Name, forever!  “Do not hinder the little children.”  Now the Granddaughters are loving Jesus, too! J


On a different note -  why can't we all communicate without having to try to argue every point.  I haven't posted much lately because I get tired of everyone trying to pick apart every thread just to be negative.  I agree with some of you and disagree with others but it is like eating fried chicken.  I can eat the chicken and leave the bones.  Many of us are going through different forms of spiritual warefare and could benefit from lifting each other up instead of trying to knock each other down.  I don't agree with the Mormon teachings and I don't always agree with the techniques of the street preachers BUT I like the people and can learn something from them that helps me in my walk with Christ.  I learn nothing from the personal attacks.    Just my opinion for what it is worth.  Laura


Amen, amen, amen, Laura! All the bickering is starting to get on my last nerve, too.  Izzy

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