Well DaveH I must admit you are very creative-have a wonderful sense of humor-can fight well even on an edge. I would say your IQ is in the higher range. But that is not enough to be allowed into heaven-if one almost makes it to heaven where are they?
----- Original Message -----
From: Dave
Sent: 12/23/2003 2:46:47 AM
Subject: [TruthTalk] Elect Me for Moderator


Dean Moore wrote:

> Dean, that is the same thing as not allowing Christians here.  What do I
> say to someone like Dave?  "Sorry, Dave, you have been real nice and
> all, but we only allow Christians on the list and in my judgment you are
> not one, so you have been banned from the list."
 * How about -"Time up- Hope you find God-it's over, If you have a problem
with doing this-give me the Moderator role for a day-
DAVEH:   Hmmmmmmmm.......Hey DavidM, if you are considering taking applications for a moderator's position, I think you might want to consider me.  Think about it, as somebody who has been on TT for 4 years now, I DO HAVE SENIORITY over Dean, don't I?   (I may not be as young, good looking or as intelligent as Dean, but seniority does command preferential treatment, doesn't it!)   And as you know......since I would be very reluctant to give somebody the boot, I would think TT would grow under my warm and fuzzy leadership, as opposed to shrinking under Dean's dictatorial executative (I had to coin that one, as I don't think there is anything in the dictionary that quite says it as well as you know what that means) direction.  Would you really want TT under the control of somebody who is vowing to wave underwear in public?  Or would you prefer to see a leader dedicated to making all people feel comfortable here?  IOW......do you want a hanging judge giving TT a bad name.....or would TT be better served by a kinder, gentler and more Christian image???    Think about it.....eh!

    BTW......You can email me off-Forum to confirm your desire to give me the job, as I'm sure you won't want to publicly disappoint (or perhaps embarrass) Dean by posting your preferential treatment to me in open-Forum.

    Ohhhhhhh.......And one more thing........I assume you will be inviting me to the annual moderators' banquet next month.  We'll have to start coordinating our strategies for next years direction that I want TT to take.  Hmmmmm......let's see, other than you and me.....are there any other moderators left on TT?  If not.....I suppose the two of us can certainly control TT in the future.  But after pondering the immense magnitude of this job, perhaps we can assign somebody else to help us......May I suggest Blaine?  He seems to have a good perspective of how I (I mean, we) want TT to be.   I've noticed TT has taken kind of a mean turn lately, so I (I mean, we) could assign him to be our sergeant of arms, and keep the riff-raff from taking over TT.   And of course, we could also include "game keeper" or even "animal control" in Blaine's job description, as I've heard the cats screeching lately.......gotta keep those felines under our thumb control, ya kn ow!

    We can also direct Blaine to lay down instruct the rules to any potential new members who may be associated with street preachers of the unsavory kind (not like you of course, DavidM).  We certainly wouldn't want any ad hominem rules broken, would we!  I'm sure our TT Bouncer (Blaine) would be very effective in his job, as he has undoubtedly had a lot of practice in SLC while his wife(s) was/(were) circling the block earlier this year.

    BTW.......I've noticed a couple TTers have been rather antagonistic lately.  What do you say we limit their posts to one or two a week?  Your "one or two per day" suggestion is much too lenient for such TT ruffians!  With a little discipline from our SLC Bouncer, I think we can straighten that lot out without putting starch in their shirts.

    Yep DavidM.......between You and Me and our SLC Bouncer......we could run this empire like real (more) men, eh!

    Dang.......I almost forgot to mention.......until I realized that you would so enthusiastically welcome my new plan, I was afraid to say this because I was sure many would object and cry foul......but now I have no fear (watch my back, Blaine) of receiving a public rebuke from other TTers for being so forthright in this matter, so let me be the first to say to you and all fellow and feline TTers........

            MERRY CHRISTMAS!


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