
From my point of view Kevin is basically shooting you guys with your own gun. He is only quoting what your guys say, and any "logical thinking person" can certainly see the inconsistent and contradictory nature of your leaders and church. I call it "the Mormon Shuffle". You guys are so busy redefining words, prooftexting, twisting, and miinterpreting scripture, explaining away false prophecies, and teh philandering, divinations, and cultic background of JS, that you can not and indeed will not seek objective truth. It is as though the word "truth" has been redefined, too, to mean "that which we have to manufacture to keep up the facade of our church". Yes, the Mormon Shuffle indeed.

LDS seem to either be so blind as to what their church really is, or so deeply ingrained in it, that they can no longer seek objective truth. I have seen it right here on TT, many times, by both you and DaveH. The Mormon Shuffle. I have seen this process in action as DavidH has even redefined words here on TT, like saying "damned" does not mean condemned, it merely means one's "eternal progression is impeded". It was actually easier for him to redefine the word than answer the question honestly, thus, exposing inconsitency in the LDS church. It is so obvious that he was doing the "Mormon Shuffle". You do it, too. You guys are continually having to cover the butts of your former leaders' comments that contradict either the standard works or church teachings. "Oh what a tangled web...".

So, in summary, it appears that Kevin is only presenting the guys are the ones that are dancing around it all. The Mormon Shuffle.


From: "Blaine Borrowman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Adams FALL UPWARD
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2004 21:18:17 -0700

Blaine: What I hear Kevin saying is that since he is outraged we should all join in and share his outrage. Am I right, Kevin? Actually I am outraged at most of what he says, since it is mostly a pack of misrepresentations. Whether he does this through ignorance or by deliberation, I am not 100% certain. But I usually know exactly what to think about it, although I don't always know what to say.

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