Charles Perry Locke wrote:

> Blaine,
>    Yes. Either that, or you both are extremely naive. For example, DavidH
> said that he believes non-Mormons can go to heaven. I feel confident that he
> knows that Christians believe there is one place called heaven, and LDS
> believe there are three. He did not point this out...and since non-Mormons
> go to a different LDS heaven than Mormons,  in this sense he was
> intentionally misleading TT'rs who may not know that LDS consider there to
> be three heavens.

DAVEH:  Perry......I can only hope that you failed to read all my posts when you made 
this comment.  I specifically addressed this within the past month by pointing out 
that we do view heaven differently, and to put it in perspective of the heaven/hell
scenario believed by most Christians, I explained that many non-LDS folks would not go 
to the lake of fire and brimstone as Christians perceive hell to be.  Do you recall 
that post?  If I wasn't so tired, I'd dig it up and post it again.  But it is way
past my bedtime, and this'll be my last post tonight.

> The effect is to appear to agree with Christians, while
> secretly having a hidden meaning that you are using. I do not think that
> either you or DaveH are naive enough to not know what is going on.
>    When missionaries do this, I can find room to excuse them, because I
> believe they may be naive. But, when seasoned LDS apologists like yourselves
> who hang out with Christians do it, you are intentionally "not telling the
> whole story".

DAVEH:  Something to consider......The Mormon boys in TT have several times been 
accused of trying to take over TT by posting too much stuff.  Seems like we can't win 
either way......either we post too much, or we post too little!   :-)

> Perry

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