----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, February 06, 2004 7:52 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] deceived

Judy says: The above was true in Isaiah's day, it was true when Jesus spoke these words to the Jews (Matt 13:14-16) and it is true today but God has always
had a people, there has always been a remnant who loved God and love
His Truth.
Do you LDS believe this?
Blaine:  Good general comments.
God has always had TRUE Believers, throughout all time?
Blaine:  Yes, but of course they were not always in possession of the full truth, as for many years the scriptures were forbidden by the Church to be written in any language but Latin.  With the invention of the printing press, biblical scriptures became available to more and more people.  The Poor Men of Lyons, for example, also called the Waldenites,  memorized whole sections of scriptures that were passed around among them because they had little money to buy scriptures.   These people were persecuted for their zeal.  Some of them had to remove to Scandinavian countries.  I am descended from one of the groups who settled in Norway, so we are talking about some of my own ancestors.  They were good people, I believe, and definitely had their hearts in tune with the Lord's word insofar as they knew and possessed it.  Many other reformers were persecuted, in some cases they gave their lives for the truth. 
How come you guys are silent, on this?
Blaine:  I think if you read the passages from Isaiah in context, you will see they are oriented toward a future time.  It talks of a "sealed book" which contained "the vision of all," and of a learned man who could/would not attempt to read it because a portion of it, at least, was sealed.  It then says the book would go to one not learned, and he would say he could not read it because he was not learned--yet the Lord promises he can do his own work, so apparently the unlearned man was chosen to read it. 
This was all literally fulfilled in the time of Joseph Smith,  as Martin Harris took copies of some of the characters from the gold plates to two  learned Professors, a Professor Anthon first, then later to another professor,  both supposedly learned in ancient languages.  Both affirmed the characters were genuine, and wanted the plates to translate, but were told they could not have them because a portion was sealed.  They then  told Martin they could not read a sealed book.  So, the plates were eventually translated/read by Joseph Smith, the young man who never had formal schooling much beyond the third grade, due to his family's poor circumstances.  See below for the full rendering of Isaiah: 
Isaiah 29:9-10   Stay yourselves, and wonder, cry ye out, and cry:  they
are drunken, but not with wine.  They stagger, but not with strong drink. 
For the Lord hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and hath
closed your eyes;  the prophets and your rulers, the seers hath he covered.
Isaiah 29:11-12  And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a
book that is sealed, which men deliver to one who is learned, saying, read
this I pray thee:  and he saith:  I cannot, for it is sealed.
And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, read this
I pray thee:  and he saith, I am not learned.
29:13  Wherefore the Lord said, forasmuch as this people draw near
me with their mouth,  and with their lips do honor me, but have removed
their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept
of men.
Isaiah 29:14  Therefore, behold, I will proceed to do a marvelous work
among this people, even a marvelous work and a wonder: 
for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding
 of their prudent men shall be hid.
Mormons believe the "marvelous work" was the translation of the Book of Mormon by the unlearned Prophet Joseph Smith. 
And Blaine the last two articles you posted from the internet
arophobia & Street Preachers/SLC ordinance
You left out parts of the article, that are not "faith promoting"
Why shouldn't I think you are trying to pass off HALF TRUTHS?
Blaine:  Well, as I said, you needed something to do Kevin.  Its my job to present the good stuff, and yours to present the contrary stuff.  Surely you don't expect me to do your job, do you?  (:>)

From: "Blaine Borrowman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Blaine:  But Judy, if what presents itself as the "clear teaching of God's word"
is really so clear, how come your stats--400 different Protestant gospels--
suggest otherwise?   
The fact that there are so many different gospels does not reflect poorly
on the Word itself, the problem now is with the people, same as it has
always been.  God said "My people perish for lack of knowledge" and  He
does not bless ignorance.
I do not doubt they seem clear to you, and they do to me too,  but they
apparently also seem clear to those who draw different conclusions from
you or I--and even you and I do not always agree.  There are not only the
Protestants who cannot agree, but we have a growing number of Messianics
who disagree with what is fundamentally agreed upon by most Protestants--
that the feasts of the Law of Moses no longer need to be kept, the Sabbath
should be observed on Sunday, not Saturday, etc.   All this from the same
"clear teaching of God's word."   Read the following, and tell we that this 
does not describe our day:
As I say above, it is not a problem with the Word, the problem is with
the people. Scripture is quite clear about the Levitical law and rituals
being nailed to the cross.
Isaiah 29:9-10   Stay yourselves, and wonder, cry ye out, and cry:  they
are drunken, but not with wine.  They stagger, but not with strong drink. 
For the Lord hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and hath
closed your eyes;  the prophets and your rulers, the seers hath he covered.
Isaiah 29:13  Wherefore the Lord said, forasmuch as this people draw near
me with their mouth,  and with their lips do honor me, but have removed
their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept
of men.
The above was true in Isaiah's day, it was true when Jesus spoke these
words to the Jews (Matt 13:14-16) and it is true today but God has always
had a people, there has always been a remnant who loved God and love
His Truth.

From: "Terry Clifton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Let me throw y'all something to ponder. 
I'm tired of scratching my head alone.  Consider this:
Satan is described as a deceiver.  We are warned that he will,
if possible, deceive us.  I think that all of us will agree that this
is true.  The Bible not only says so; we ourselves have all seen
deceived people.  Sometimes, they are real easy to spot. 
We are not surprised at this.  Satan has been around longer
than the human race.  He is the father of lies. He has experience.  
He is good at what he does. 
My question is, since this is a common occurance, how do you
know that you are not the one being deceived?  Satan doesn't
just work on the stupid and the uneducated, and he doesn't say,
"Now I am going to deceive you".  In fact, the way he operates,
the one being deceived never realizes that he or she is deceived. 
It is always someone else.  If you knew you were deceived, you
would not be deceived.  So how do you know that you aren't?
Very good question Terry; I've been wondering how to approach
the subject of demon oppressed/led believers and you are making it
As we see in the life of Abraham (the father of faith) the fruit of faith
is obedience to the will of God. We should recognize the voice of the
Chief Shepherd and obey Him. 
Eve was deceived because she listened to the wrong voice and acted
upon the wrong message. At one point during his ministry to the
Church at Corinth the apostle Paul tells them he is afraid for them
"lest somehow as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so
their minds might be corrupted from the simplicity that is in
Christ" (2 Corinthians 11:3) 
Paul goes on to speak of one who comes with another Jesus,
a different spirit, and a different gospel - a scenario which we are all
familiar with on TT. Over the 2,000+ years since Calvary the adversary
has produced more than 400 different Protestant gospels and this
is not including the quasi-Christian cults and the RCC. 
I know from personal experience that it is possible for a born again
believer to be deceived because I've been there and today I guard
against the spirit of error by continuing to study to show myself
approved to God and to the best of my ability walking in all the light
He has given me. 
We must know God and His ways so that when the other voice
speaks to us or any idea that exalts itself above the clear teaching of
God's Word presents itself we are quick to take it captive and cast it
down to the obedience of Christ. (2 Cor 10:5).
Grace and Peace,

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