From: "Blaine Borrowman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Blaine:  I agree.  It does seem a bit strange.  It always has.    
 But apparently not to most of the traditional Protestant churches of 
 the Reformation.  They had infants baptized, or Christianed, as they 
 called it, because they thought the sin of Adam was still upon them.  
I don't know which 'traditional' Protestant churches you refer to here
Blaine and they all have different reasons for doing what they do. The
Methodists sprinkle babies and so do the Presbyterians and probably
the Episcopal Church. I know that PCA people view it as the parents
making covenant for the child... but whatever the reason there is one
common basic understanding and this is the fact that every person 
born into this world by natural generation comes with a spiritual
inheritance from the first Adam and this is what the scriptures teach. 
 It is sin singular rather than sins plural which come later.

So, Judy, do I take it from your comments below that infants 
are born with a residual sin, which must then be cleansed by 
baptism, sprinkling, or "making a covenant with" the child? 

Everyone born into this world is born IN SIN and I know this
has been pointed out in the past because I've seen the Psalm
where David speaks of it posted, probably by Kevin.  So far as
I know the thinking on infant baptism is that the covenant is
with the parents by faith rather than that baptism cleanses.
For baptism to do anything other than get the person wet
there must be an awareness and cooperation with God and
this would be impossible for an infant.

The Mormon article of Faith you quoted refers to this practice.  
 The BoM speaks even more extensively against infant baptism.
The scriptures do not promote infant baptism 

I agree.  It seems to be more of what I have been calling 
the Traditional Protestant Belief System.

I don't know what that might be because protestants do not
have traditional beliefs that they hold on the same level as
scripture, that would be the rcc. But Mary and Joseph did bring 
their infant Jesus to the temple to present him before the Lord 
and it was understood that they would raise him in the faith 
which should be the understanding of those who present their 
babies before the Lord for sprinkling today.

I agree this is a good thing.  LDS infants are presented before 
the congregation for a blessing, in much the same spirit as 
Jesus being presented at the temple.  But baptism does not 
occur until the child becomes of age to know the difference 
between right and wrong, or later. Baptism is seen by the LDS 
as a covenant to "take upon oneself the name of Jesus Christ, 
and to become His disciple.  This must be a matter of choice, 
but with an infant, where is the choice?  

 I assume the BofM has some way other than the blood of 
Jesus to get rid of the sin babies are born in. 

That is exactly the point, we do not believe this doctrine.  
Children are born innocent.  

Children are not born innocent, David said in Psalm 51:5
"In sin did my mother conceive me" - Same is true for the
rest of humanity babies are conceived in sin and born in sin.

Jesus said,  "Suffer little children to come unto me, for of 
such is the kingdom of God."  This refers to their innocent 

Not so, rather it refers to their willingness and ability to trust
since they had not yet had time to be locked into stiff
necked doubt and unbelief.

How can they be ready for the Kingdom of God, except 
they be innocent?  

He didn't say they were ready for the KOG - he said "of 
such" which means "of this sort". We need to understand
scripture in the light of other scripture rather than through
the grid of Joseph Smith's writings.  Jesus further explained
in Matthew 18:3 where he says "except ye be converted and 
become as little children (which involves faith and trust); and
Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 14:20 "be not children in
understanding".  So to take just one verse and make these
assumptions will lead one into deception.

If Adam's sin is still there, then they are not "Christianized," 
and therefore must be condemned to hell.  

Noone must be condemned to hell.  Jesus died so that all might
be saved but they must come to Him on His terms. Scripture
tells us that those who do not believe are condemned already
and this speaks of everyone no matter what their age.

Maybe these little children are the ones that Protestant Priest 
was referring to when he told DaveH's nephew some individuals 
go to hell in order to glorify God, thus showing his perfect justice? 

Protestants usually do not have priests. It was a preacher, most
likely Baptist and on TT the consensus is out over what the man
actually said.  The street preachers think DaveH's nephew mis-
understood him. 
"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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