Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
a. No syntactics contains its own semantics
b. Language, like mathematics is a symbolic system
c. Do the "symbols" themselves contain the truth(meaning) or, do
they point away from themselves to the "meaning" we all seek?
God's word is not a symbol. God created science & symbols.
God's Word is TRUTH as Judy pointed out
God's word has TRUTH & Power
God's word points to God Himself, the meaning we all seek.

And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Everyone of us speaks from a "tradition" and words mean things.
Why not revisit this whole discussion as it took place in the 4th century
by such as Athanasius, Cyril, Gregory and yes, another Gregory
(Nazianzus & Nyssa)-the Capadocians. Lance
jt: But Lance this is a Truth Talk list and truth is a person.
He is the Word of God and we receive from Him by the Spirit of Truth
Not through 4th Century so called Church Fathers...who were off into
error themselves.
"Sanctify them through thy truth, thy Word is Truth" ... [John 17:17]

God allows the devil to raise up heretics
to make his people study
William shies away from "biblicists" whatever that is.

Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
a. No syntactics contains its own semantics
b. Language, like mathematics is a symbolic system
c. Do the "symbols" themselves contain the truth(meaning) or, do
they point away from themselves to the "meaning" we all seek?
Wm. Taylor wrote:
, I don't have a problem with it myself, but I'm not all pruned up about this it-has-to-come-from-the-bible stuff. What about you who are? Is that a true and accurate statement concerning Jesus Christ?
Bill Taylor
You lost me Bill. Where else?  Science, BoM,  politics, Rev. Moon?  Surely you do not mean there are other sources of truth comparable to the Bible.
'splaine yourself!

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