Something happens to your Language processing, when you become a Mormon
Hey Dave NOTICE the "if not" clause. You do not need to answer if you did not answer the preceding in the affirmative. I know this is very tricky. Try it real slow.
> In fact, the only references to restoring all things I found were in
> Matthew and Luke, when it states that Elijah will restore all
> you consider JS to be Elijah?


> If not, please give ma a chapter and verse.

DAVEH: ??? I do not understand. You want me to give you chapter/verse
for a negative answer?

Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Charles Perry Locke wrote:

> The RCC needed reformation because it was broken, not missing.
> Plus, as several have told you, there always has been a true church
> that existed outside the RCC.
> I do not believe that the restituion of all things has anything to so
> with the LDS.

DAVEH: I understand that, Perry. Furthermore, even though that is my
belief, I am not trying to promote it here. What I am trying to do is
find out why the early Reformers did not claim the RCC folks had
apostasies instead of just suggesting their doctrines were broken.

> Just another LDS prooftext.

DAVEH: I humbly believe you do not understand the nature of my
questions, Perry. May I suggest (again, humbly) that you address the
question I ask, instead of the question you perceive I'm asking and
let's see if we can have a more meaningful discussion......please!

> In fact, the only references to restoring all things I found were in
> Matthew and Luke, when it states that Elijah will restore all
> you consider JS to be Elijah?


> If not, please give ma a chapter and verse.

DAVEH: ??? I do not understand. You want me to give you chapter/verse
for a negative answer?

>> From: Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The Last Days
>> Date: Tue, 09 Mar 2004 23:59:55 -0800
>> Charles Perry Locke wrote:
>>> If I may add a comment, there is a difference between reformation
>>> and restoration. The protestant movement was a reformation...JS'
>>> movement was a restoration. I see them as quite different.
>> DAVEH: I understand that, Perry. I'm trying to figure out why they
>> went with a reformation instead of a restoration. Seems like the
>> Bible suggests there would be a restitution (restoration) of all
>> things, rather than a reformation. Wouldn't it have been more
>> Biblical for the Reformers to think in restitution/restoration
>> terms? Is there Biblical evidence to suggest a reformation?
>>> Luther thought the church had gone astray,
>> DAVEH: Yes.....That seems like a perfect reason to suggest an
>> apostasy had taken place in/by the RCC. I'm surprised the Reformers
>> did not consider such.
>>> and reformed it to correct doctrinal error. JS thought the church
>>> had totally apostatized, so totally resored it. I dfon;t think the
>>> two can be compared.
>> DAVEH: I wasn't trying to compare them. To me the restoration makes
>> perfect sense from the Biblical evidence of an apostasy, and
>> subsequent restitution. Yet the Reformers evidently didn't see it
>> that way, but rather preferred to consider that the RCC folks simply
>> strayed a bit and needed some reforming instead of restoring what was
>> lost.
>>> I agree with Luther (in that the church had gone astray, and that
>>> reformation was due),
>> DAVEH: Since you agree with the early Reformers, then perhaps you
>> can answer my questions about it......assuming you understand what
>> I'm asking. Forget about JS for a moment.....And consider the RCC
>> folks. Do you think they just had some bad doctrine that evolved
>> over the years? you view them as apostates from the
>> Primitive Church? And, if they were Apostates....then wouldn't a
>> restoration have made sense from the Reformers' (or your)
>> perspective? If not, there must be some Biblical reason
>> you/Reformers did not think a restitution is/was necessary.....
>>> but not JS.
>> DAVEH: Listen Perry.....I understand that few TTers have any
>> sympathy for JS. I'm not trying to promote him in TT. I'm not
>> asking you to believe him or his teachings. But, my curiosity is
>> certainly biased by what I know and believe about his
>> teachings....forgive me for that. What interests me though is what
>> reasons (Biblical) you (and Protestants in general) believe the way
>> you do when it seems so odd to me. I hope that makes sense. For
>> instance, I see the Bible speak about a falling away (apostasy) and
>> the need for a restitution (restoration) of all things, and it fits
>> into my theological and Biblical inclinations. I hear your thinking
>> about the RCC having some skewed doctrines that needed reformed, and
>> then the Reformers making some minor changes.....and I don't see that
>> in the Bible. It is not that I'm trying to hit you over the head
>> with this.....I'm just trying to figure out why you see it your way
>> when I see it another way and we both are viewing it from a Biblical
>> perspective.
>>> Perry
Dave Hansen
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