From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Some very few may but probably most don't. I think you know that
from experience. I believe you see the connection. The Bible is always
read, even by yourself, through "glasses". 
jt: Not always, God looks at our heart attitude when we come to His Word
because we are dealing with spiritual realities rather than mental gymnastics
and only He can give understanding or withold it. I had no spiritual glasses
when I came to Jesus because I had been taught nothing in my particular
denomination and I had not learned Greek mythology or critical thinking.
Something that even the Spirit of God appears not to do is to override the
influence of those "glasses" (our particular way of seeing & interpreting).
Just look at the emails from all of the TTers. Many undoubtedly are
possessed of the Spirit yet, some appear not to understand as do you.
jt: The Holy Spirit can not lead someone who will not be led and it is
impossible to teach someone who knows it all. Neither does he possess
anyone. God is pleased with those who have a contrite heart who
tremble at His Word. We must be doers of the Word and not hearers
only which means we believe and do before we see.
How do you account for that. This is not a silly but, an important
consideration. Thanks, Lance
jt: Satan has been very effective with his divide and conquer technique;
he has sown a lot of confusion in the professing Church and there is
still little or no spiritual discernment. We have people trying to teach
who don't know how to walk themselves so it is the blind leading the
blind and the very young believer can be swayed, they think the man
on the platform with the robe and big books knows what he is talking
about because this is what the world teaches. Also the man with the
money too often gets the chair.

God allows the devil to raise up heretics
to make his people study
From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
All of the issues being raised re: the Incarnation are addressed in
some detail including Scripture & Tradition (including Bill's beloved
Athanasius up to the present day. Like cooking you could decide
to prepare everything without ever referring to any recipes at all or, 
you could avail yourself of what others had made available before
you. Sometimes what has gone before is better than we can figure
out on our own. Lance 
jt: I don't know about all that Lance; what if the product
or end result of their recipes stink? Athanasius for instance
was Bishop of Alexandria and was made a Dr. of the RCC.
Now that's some fine recommendation. Look at the awful
darkness inhabiting that structure.  I'm better of reading
the Bible, at least I know I can find light there. But thanks
for the suggestion.

God allows the devil to raise up heretics
to make his people study
Sent: March 14, 2004 13:21

Check out the site for Perichoresis (one in Mississippi, one in Australia).
This "conversation" is at the very center (pun intended) of what they're
about. You may or, may not agree but, you won't have to re-invent the
wheel.I've heard ALL their lectures and, I've read all the literature.
I've hosted 5 years of conferences with the folks from Mississippi
(C. Baxter Kruger & friends) Though I don't worship at the "Krugerian"
altar, I'd highly recommend checking this out. RSVP if you do. Thanks, Lance 
jt: I went to the website Lance and found myself back among
people quoting Professor Torrance so I may as well stay here
and deal with Bill and Davidm.
Tell me why you believe this resource to be so valuable?
God allows the devil to raise up heretics
to make his people study

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