FTR, Mr. Moderator; one may correctly suspect that DavidM just went to the opposite extreme--from the comments, below--i.e., didn't he actually embrace (with Bill) Polanyi as a Gospel-guru of some sort; I'm in favor of lets at least let 'em try to prove it..(eh, Iz? I'm wonderin'..when are you gonna shinny up the Polanyi with 'em and the Pope??:) 
l, G
On Tue, 23 Mar 2004 13:28:32 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
On Fri, 19 Mar 2004 21:04:37 -0800 "Charles Perry Locke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> G,
>I think you got your message across to them...[one] would
>think this is a  chat room.
chat's cool, too, Mr. Moderator; as well as the other traditional TT mode/s (inc 'Digest'), partic if it's time worthy to read/interact at all
I'm waiting for some Polanyi at UCBerkely, c. 1962, to read and think about
So, Why would Layman adhere to a philosophy/er he's never studied??
..perhaps it's wise to remind Bill that not everyone here 'thinks' like Layman; FTR, I'll be happy to speak for (even 'chat' for) those who'd gladly interact with a 'Polanyi' only if they knew more about it; e.g., if Layman or Bill sends us the requestd UCBerkely/Polanyi, etc, and write/s on original thought or two about it, perhaps we all could learn from it, however, I sincerely doubt that (e.g.) Judy or yourself or DavidM wanna be chastised for rejecting some novice's rhetorical philosophical spoon feeding..
G ~ P 235

G ~ P 235

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