Blessings again Judy. Lance
----- Original Message -----
Sent: March 31, 2004 06:36

From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
No formal education whatsoever......................Triple Phd?Unable to read
.........................Facility in numerous languages including Hebrew & Gree
(oh, Arimaic for Mel's sake). Do we wish to feed the sometimes justifiable
charicature of Christians? (How many Cns does it take to change a lightbulb?
Make your own joke). I thank God for those who've taken the time, spent the
money and laboured at great personal cost to understand the Nature of God
and the Nature of God's Gospel. Lance
jt: The problem is Lance that this is NOT how one comes to KNOW God and
the nature of his Word. You can learn some historical background that way
but you will never have understanding because that can only come through Him
and His condition is that first we must DO and then we will KNOW. In our
culture we have been taught to fall at the feet of Academic because you can't
make it in this life without a degree with Caesar's stamp of approval on it.
Education is a 20th century idol.  God's will prevails with or without it. judyt


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