By "resurrected glorified humanity"? Jesus, the second Adam resurrected to the right hand of the Father. "Jesus our Man in Glory" (title of an AWTozer book) Now, pushing the limitations of human speach I'll go on to say THAT JESUS RETURNED TO THE FATHER "DIFFERENT" THAN HE LEFT AT THE TIME OF HIS INCARNATION.Any further questions?Lance
----- Original Message -----
Sent: March 31, 2004 10:46
Subject: [TruthTalk] Walking in the Light & Christian Fellowship

How do you fellows expect anyone to take you seriously when you
talk out of both sides of your mouth?  You say you want respect and
to be looked up to as leaders and teachers in the body of Christ while
mocking and throwing ad hominems at those on the list who are not in
agreement with your doctrine.
This fruit is not from the Spirit (Gal 5:23) and those who walk after the
flesh (read carnal nature) can not please God - this kind of thing certainly
does not edify those on the other end of your barbs. How is it you can speak
so eloquently and emotionally about the heart with regard to yourselves
while ATST allowing the enemy to use you to throw his firey darts
at others?  judyt
Bill Taylor Wrote:
Hey, Judy; it's me, special envoy, with important message.
Hard times have hit the king of Babylon. He needs your advice.
Pack your bags, you're leaving today }:>)
and then.......
john writes:
I get one of the proposals evry four or five weeks. 
Is this scam common to the rest of you?  Maybe it is real. 
Can you tell us judyt if this guy is honestly asking for help?
In a message dated 3/31/2004 6:56:01 AM Pacific Standard Time,
Mr.Donald Duke

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