MEANING MATTERS  Soooo what does "I'm jealous for your heart" mean? Should I be scared? Lance
Sent: March 31, 2004 11:50
Subject: [TruthTalk] HELLO !!!!

From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Judy, Plllllease tell me this is MEANT to be a joke?
(not the content but the shot at academia) Did you have a bad
experience in school? Have you an academic relative who is a jerk?
Do feel similarly toward Dentists, Doctors and such?  Lance
jt: I don't mean ALL academic people Lance. No I didn't have a bad
experience at school and I am thankful for dedicated D&D. Guess
it just frustrates me to see education elevated above God's Word.
I'm jealous for your heart.  judyt
So much for the Academics...
Neal Boortz just reported that a Chinese Professor at Harvard collected $600,000
from his students for SARS research in China and he invested the money in this
obvious scam.  Shows deception happens to the smart and intelligent also

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