Are you serious?

In a message dated 3/31/2004 4:06:29 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I don't know what your problem is so you will need to explain it. What is the
conflict between Paul and James?

You are as amazing as Kevin.  I did explain the problem   And I am asking you to solve the problem.   

Again, here is the problem:
I need you to discuss in detail BOTH passages.  Both use Abraham but with different
examples.  Both speak of faith and works with seemingly different conclusions.  Both
define "justification."   Reconcile the two passages.   I need you to tell me what each
is saying and why they do not conflict.   Can you do that  -- because I cannot do it
using what I know of your gospel.  I really want to know.

If that is not plain enough, let's try this:  Paul says we are justified without works.  James says that we are justified by works.  I have explained how I solve the problem and allow each author to mean what they say.   That is the hard part.   To date, your answer to me when I quote Paul is to serve up James.   If you really want to convert me, deal with my problem.   I will listen.  how can Paul and James use the same word (justification) and the same biblical character (Abraham) to say two different things?   

John Smithson

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