David Miller wrote:
DaveH wrote:
So.....what is it about the Trinity Doctrine 
that bothers you, Chris?

Chris wrote:
The Almighty is ONE entity and not some three-headed 
siamese triplet freak.

DaveH wrote:
Thanx Chris......that is succinctly described.

Wait a minute!  Dave, you are not going to get off with that!  Chris is
a sabellianist and you are a henotheist.  You guys are on opposite
extremes with the Trinity doctrine right dab in the middle.  You can't
just say, "that is succinctly described" and leave it at that.
DAVEH:  Who put a burr under your saddle, DavidM?!?!?!?!   Sure I can leave it at that.  At first, I had trouble understanding what Chris believes from his previous elusive (to me anyway) posts.  This time, he plainly explained what he believed so that even I could understand it.  And....I thanked him for his simple explanation that was sufficient for my pea brain to comprehend.  I'm not sure why you find that a problem though.
  You do
not believe in the Oneness doctrine that Chris believes. 
DAVEH:  Agreed.
 You believe in
three persons in the Godhead.
DAVEH:  Ditto.
  Why not argue from Scripture why you
think Jesus and the Father are not the same person?
DAVEH:  Why does everybody in TT want to argue???  FWIW.....I think that is why there are so few TTers.  Instead of listening to what others believe and try to understand their perspective, the common drill here seems to be attack, attack, attack....
  The Trinity
doctrine is what emerges when discussions like this take place.  
DAVEH:  IMO, the T-Doctrine happens when men for political purposes want to water down truth to the point where it can be accepted by those having differing beliefs.  How else do you explain a doctrine that is believed by most Protestants as well as the RCC folks, who seem to be at odds in most other respects.  At least that's how I see it....
Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.


Dave Hansen
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