From: "Chris Barr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
\o/ !HALALUYah! \o/
Greetings in the Matchless Name of YahShua !!
"Pseudo Science"?!?  Wrong again, JT.
So, what's wrong with the info cited?  I couldn't have put it much better or more succinctly myself.
jt: Where there is sickness there is always
a sin issue.
Wrong yet again, JT.  Does Scripture hold any authority for you?
"And passing by, He saw a man which was blind from birth. 
And His disciples asked Him, saying, 'Master, who did sin, this man,
or his parents, that he was born blind?'  YahShua answered, 'NEITHER
hath this man sinned, nor his parents ...' "
jt: Yes scripture holds ALL authority for me and I mean, ALL scripture not just
parts.  The above text is what all ppl cite who believe that God wills others to be
sick.  Jesus was not saying that sin was not involved here, (note he didn't mention
the grandparents or ggrandparents and sin comes down to the 3rd and 4th
generation and sometimes even further). Jesus' focus was on the task at
hand which was doing the works of God while it was still day.  Don't you
believe Deut 28 and Deut 29 Chris?
Medicine does not heal,
it is managed care and any honest physician will tell you so.
"honest physician"?!?  Is that one o' them thar oxymorons?
jt: Be nice Chris. Most ppl in health care professions are there to try and help
folk. Have you never come across a good physician?  I have a problem with
anyone who claims to "cure people" by nutrition alone. 
Well, maybe there's still hope for you ... admitting you have a problem is the first
step to solving it.
jt: Hey I'm the first one to admit that I don't have ALL knowledge... the onus of
proof is on you since you are making some pretty hefty claims yourself. Dr. Malkmus
was saying much the same. We went to his seminar and tried the carrot juice etc.
but then he took a stroke so there must have been a gap in his knowledge. God will
not bless us when we tryito bypass the effects of the curse because in doing so He
would be violating his own word  - Malkmus claimed to have the answer in incurable
disease also.  How do you get around that one?

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