Title: Romans , Chapter 14
\o/ !HALALU Yah! \o/
Greetings Blaine in the Matchless Name of YahShua [that's the name Jesus was called by His mom, dad, brothers, sisters, disciples and others who loved Him] !!
Rife only noted the swine connection as a curiosity to him.  He did not test for it but just happened to notice it kept turning up.  The other foods that are forbidden in Scripture very well may have the same or a similar problem.
To quote the son of Nun, "As for me and my house we will serve YHVH", so no, I/we do not consume those animals that you listed.
When an auto manufacturer places in the manual to use gasoline for fuel I do not put in diesel fuel.  Most people are not that smart about when it comes to their own bodies.  I stick to the Life Manual of Scripture.
As to eating zoo animals ... do you visit a dairy farm and divvy up one of the herd for lunch?
Ahava b' YahShua
(Love in The SAVIOUR)
Baruch YHVH,
Chris Barr
a servant of YHVH
----- Original Message -----
Sent: 04/12/2004 12:14 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Science and Scriptural dietary requirements

Blaine:  Is swine the only thing that produces this susecptibility to cancer?  There are many foods popular today besides pigmeat that are forbidden by the OT.  Shrimp, for one.  Do you eat shrimp?  Does it do the same as pork once it gets in the blood?  And what about vulture? Or catfish?  Or DOG?  Or Horsemeat?  (:>)  Bytheway, Giraffe is not forbidden--it parts the hoof and chews the cud.  Next time I visit the zoo,  hmmm, which shall I have, a neck steak, or .  .  .?
----- Original Message -----
From: Chris Barr
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 5:18 PM
Subject: [TruthTalk] Science and Scriptural dietary requirements

\o/ !HALALU Yah! \o/
Greetings in the Matchless Name of YahShua [that's the name Jesus was called by His mom, dad, brothers, sisters, disciples and others who loved Him] !!
Royal Raymond Rife created a microscope (The Universal Microscope) in the 1920s which was more powerful than ANY microscope available today. You can read about it in many places including the annals of The Smithsonian Institution ("The New Microscopes" 1944/1945).

Extensive research by Rife with his microscope led to development of a cure for cancer that was PROVEN to be 100% effective in 1930s trials overseen by the AMA, The University of Southern California, and Dr. Milbanks Johnson, M.D. (President, Los Angeles County Medical Society at the time) at what would later come to be known as the renowned Scripps Clinic in La Jolla, CA.

Part of his research with the microscope revealed to him a specific state that the blood MUST be in for cancer to develop. In his notes he made notation of a curiosity to him. He had discovered that pork caused the specific state for cancer to develop and grow very rapidly. Whenever a test subject consumed pork, their blood entered into that specific state of the blood that he had discovered was necessary for cancer to develop. The blood would maintain this state for up to nine hours after ingestion of pork.

Rife was not a religious man. He had no saving faith. He didn't understand that pork was unclean and not to be consumed according to the commandment of Scripture. He did learn from his own studies NOT to consume pork due to scientific reasons!

Here is another related note I received more than five years ago:

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dell N Griffin"
Sent: 2/19/99 4:55 PM
Subject: pork and cancer


Thought I would forward this to you, re: what we discussed earlier about
the BLOOD being the abode of the soul and why eating swine is prohibited
by the Torah. Hope it doesn't spoil anyone's appetite.

Shabbat Shalom,

FROM: "The Cancer Cure That Worked!" by Barry Lynes
Quoting the first page of Chapter 18:

Gruner was a Canadian cancer researcher who worked with Rife (inventor of
the Rife Machine). As he wrote to Dr. Milbank Johnson in the late
1930'', his contemporaries simply wouldn't look at what was before their
eyes. In the 1940's Gruner argued in essays and books (An Interpretation
of Cancer and the Study of Blood in Cancer) that pleomorphism was a
phenomenon in other diseases. Why, he asked, were experts so reluctant
to examine a similar biological process when it came to cancer?

Gruner: "Viruses in the strict sense are mostly discredited where cancer
is in question. However, the newer pleomorphists stand in marked
contrast. The virus form, to them, is one phase in the life history of
many, if not all bacteria. The bacteria forms do not produce cancer, but
the virus forms does. The existence of virus forms of typhoid bacillus,
colon bacillus, tubercle bacillus cannot seriously be disputed."

Gruner's specialty was blood. Rife had discovered that pork caused the
cancer micro-organism to grow very rapidly. In fact, Kendall's K
Meddium had a pork base. Gruner took this notion a step further,
producing a startling and frightening fact for people who eat pork.
Gruner wrote that the blood of a person who ate pork was the SAME
(emphasis in the original) as a cancer patient for 8 or 9 hours after

Gruner: "a meal which features pork will produce a BLOOD PICTURE
INDISTINGUISHABLE FROM THAT OF CANCER,(emphasis in the original), though
of course normality reappears after 8 to 9 hours"

Unfortunately, the orthodox medical authorities and public health
officials have ignored this finding just as they have thoroughly ignored


* * * * * * *

Now, I have a few FIRST EDITION copies of the book, 'The Cancer Cure That Worked! Fifty Years of Suppression'. (I had extensive files on Rife before the book was ever written in 1987 ... the STORIES that I could tell.) The reprints on the internet run $10.95 on up. I'll let you have one of my First Editions for just $10 + $3.85 postage.

"Receive my instruction, and not silver; and knowledge rather than choice gold.
For wisdom is better than rubies; and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it.

Proverbs 8:10-11

The above Scriptures are taken from the midst of the 'Wisdom' chapter (Proverbs 8).

"Get wisdom, get understanding: forget it not; neither decline from the words of my mouth. Forsake her not, and she shall preserve thee: love her, and she shall keep thee. Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding."

The TRUTH is often pushed away by MOST people because their interest is vested elsewhere ... financially and/or otherwise. I've had the proverbial silver, gold, precious jewels, and other things that may be desired offered often through the years but instruction, knowledge and wisdom have always remained my choice.

Nutrition and food science are about the only things that I know as much about as I do Scripture! The two go hand in hand so well. :)

Ahava b' YahShua
(Love in The SAVIOUR)
Baruch YHVH,
Chris Barr
a servant of YHVH

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