Jonathan Hughes wrote:

Hi Terry,


Why would something that only God can give (forgiveness) be dependent on something humans can only give (repentance)?  Why make God dependent and restricted by humankind?  God is overly capable of forgiving without repentance.  If we say otherwise than I think it says that we think that sin is a greater force than God.  Nothing is greater than God, nor is it strong enough to compel Him to not forgive.  This is extremely practical and leads us into worship.


Note what happens in all the covenants in the Bible.  God first shows love and grace (I am the God of Abraham who has delivered you…) and then applies the consequences (acknowledgement, repentance etc.).  Paul in Galatians actively tries to demonstrate that love came before the law.

God is not dependant on anyone or anything.  That does not mean that He has no requirements.  One of those requirements is repentance, turning from sin, to God, the way that the prodigal turned from his sin to the father.  Practically speaking, repentance is required for forgiveness, as stated by John, the baptist, Jesus, Peter, and others.  That is not to say that God will not forgive sins done in ignorance, as the soldiers who crucified our Lord did.  I am speaking practically.  You want your sins forgiven?  Repent.  Turn from your sin, to the Lord.  Love came first, but though love and forgiveness are related, they are not the same.

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