David Miller wrote:
> "If you look at the facts and resist the culture.."

Lance wrote:
> I have looked and continue to do so. It has lead me 
> inexhorably, David, to observe more competent, 
> capable, and trustworthy women than men in almost 
> every area of life.

Wow.  So you believe that men are inferior to women?  I don't mean to
offend you, but can you clarify for us whether or not you are a
homosexual?  I'm not trying to be smart aleck or offensive.  We don't
know you and can't see you, so I am compelled to ask if you consider
women to be greater than men.  That is a very unusual viewpoint, even
for our culture which presents women as smarter and more capable than
men in almost every movie and book ever produced.

Lance wrote:
> I believe that it is your tradition, having misread 
> the Bible, that has lead you to adopt a patronizing, 
> though respectful attitude toward women. 

I do not appreciate the term "patronizing."  I consider my viewpoint to
be very sober.  My tradition has been very opposite to this in that my
mother was always much smarter and more intelligent than my father.  It
was not until after college, when I began to study a lot of history on
my own, and found men in past centuries trying to figure out why they
can't get women to deal with the issues that they deal with, that I
began to realize that I was always avoiding the facts.  It was actually
my training as a scientist that caused me to deal more objectively with
this issue and realize that the feminization of our culture is what had
brainwashed my mind to what was really the obvious truth.  Understanding
statistics really helped me, because I had to get over the fact that my
mother was smarter than my dad. Understanding statistics helped me to
understand overlap of data and how to generalize trends in a more proper

Lance wrote:
> It sadens me to see such an ungodly attitude expressed 
> by one with such an obvious capacity to reflect and 
> articulate on many matters. 

Are you speaking for God now?  I think my attitude is very Godly in
regards to men and women.

Lance wrote:
> It is you and the ill informed thinking you 
> represent that have contributed to the rise
> of feminism.

No, the rise of feminism is a spirit of the Anti-Christ.  There are
three main areas in which this spirit has operated in order to overthrow
the order of God.

1.  Equality of Gender

2.  Equality of Race

3.  Equality of Sexual Orientation

The truth is that none of these equalities really exist.  What is at the
root of the oppression of one sex over another or of one race over
another is hatred.  The spirit masks that hatred by claiming that the
source of the evil is not hatred but a lack of recognizing equality.
This is a frontal attack on God's order, but it is deceptive in that it
makes people think they are getting rid of an evil, when really, they
are only getting rid of God's ordained order of things.  What you don't
seem to understand is that the philosophies of cultures are not really
reflective of reactions to earlier bad philosophies as much as they are
representative of the spirits which people are willing to accept and

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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