Lance: Amen sister! Everyone on TT continues to demonstrate the POWER OF TRADITION to inform thinking and, by extension communication.

TPW: Erhm...I am a man. But yes...The power of a man-made tradition is the problem with many of the variants of Christianity I have encountered in my time.

It stems on the individual's perception. God lives outside of scripture. He's not bound to it, since he created it. But many do that mistake of taking the bible and make it into a golden calf.

That in itself speaks bundles when your christ did warn you about false prophets. Think about it, the worse kind of lie is the one that even the one who started it believes is a truth.

The biggest problem I do have with modern christianity, is that especially in the more charismatic types, some confuse faith with blind obedience. I never saw anywhere in the bible any refferences to "Thou shall not use the wits that your creator gave you at birth".

I mean jeez that gray matter is not just there for you to poke with a q-tip!!


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