I'd like to point out that to interpret "myriad of traditions" as "Christian traditions only" would take some presumption on my part. How can I know you are not painting with a broad brush unless you tell me.  I also find it interesting that you, the one who is so adamant about words and their meaning use them so sparsely in articulating your own stance.  I may not have answered your question in the only way you will accept Lance... and I may be ignorant IYO - but then I am not a teacher in the body of Christ and so am in no danger of incurring the stricter judgment spoken of in James 3:1,2.
From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
No, I'm not. And, no to your 'take' on the balance. Did you not understanding my 'meaning'? Catholic, Orthodox, Independent, Brethren, Baptist, Pentecostal, Methodist, Presbyterian, Charismatic (some of these in all of the foregoing) and on.... These are those to whom I made reference.
I never know when some of TT just feign ignorance and when you're just ..well ignorant. You still haven't answered my question. If you've painted yourself into a corner I'd be happy to open the window to let you out. You do realize that the only answer concerning yourself  is yes.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: June 04, 2004 09:21
Subject: [TruthTalk] Lance's belief/unbelief??

Are you a Freemason Lance?  The reason I ask is because what you describe below is the broad road, the road
taught by the Masonic Lodge who promote the brotherhood of mankind and the fatherhood of God. This is not
the strait gate and narrow road that leads to life.  Jesus' claim to be the ONLY way is either valid or it is not.
From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Answers: DEFINITELY NO & NO!! God by His Spirit through His Son is working in all of the myriad traditions, some with little light some with much. Whether a contribution has been/is being made via this 'understanding' of God and His Gospel will be finally understood at the 'end of all things'.
Good morning Lance - This a.m. you have written the following to the list...in response to questions:
PS When you read the posts of those on TT you will hear behind their words preachers, books, pamphlets (similar to the one given to you), 'traditions' (that dreaded word again). Not 1 in 1,000 nay, 100,000 will offer 'readings' of Scripture that originate, with the aid of the Holy Spirit, with themselves. It just doesn't happen. I believe that many live in denial of this apparent reality. 
Whenever people, after quoting a text, tell you what a text 'means' they ought to include something akin to 'according to me mine and ours'. People 'dance' around this reality altogether too much. The words used to speak of reality are not the reality being spoken of.
There is much more not 'known' than 'known'. This is particularly true when it comes to the 'meaning' of Scripture.  I continue to read with amazement the level of certainty with which some people 'explain' to other people this or that text, book, doctrine.
jt: I have some questions of my own; IYO are you that 1 in 100,000?
IYO does anyone know anything who does not accept your (and Bill's, and Torrance's) version of the "incarnation?"

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