Judy Taylor wrote:
Another thing that bothers me is why some appear to be so hung up on hell and the lake of fire

daveh:  I'm hung up on it because I find the popular Christian perception to be very interesting.  To me it is obviously symbolic, but to most Christians it seems to be a literal lake of fire.  Yet (to me) it seems so illogical.....That a loving God would punitively punish people who never had the chance to accept/believe Jesus by physically torturing them forever.  Seems pretty harsh.....even for the wrath of God, does it not!  Contrast that to the Lord's story of the prodigal son.....do you find both teachings to be at odds?
judyt: Why would you call this "obviously" symbolic Dave.
DAVEH:  I thought the symbolic connection between the lake of fire and the garbage pit near Jerusalem that was on fire was pretty well accepted by most Christians.  From the web site http://www.ovrlnd.com/Teaching/hell.html..............


IV The 10 descriptions of Hell are symbolic not literal

A. Physical garbage dump outside of Jerusalem

B. 4 Different figures of fire: (including gehenna)

1. Fire of Gehenna
2. furnace of fire
3. rain storm of fire and brimstone
4. lake of fire and brimstone
huge furnace with lake of fire inside, raining fire located in valley of hinnon in Jerusalem?
Or 4 different figures to depict the spiritual counterpart

C. Exile and banishment

D. Eternal night

E. A bottomless pit (Hades)

F. Scourged, while shacked in a prison

G. Worse than drowned in sea with millstone hung around neck: Mt 18:6

Conclusion: Not A Pretty Place

God appealed to all our five senses to describe hell as a bad place:

1. Touch: pain from burning fire
2. Taste: dry mouth, extreme thirst, blood from gnashing teeth
3. Smell: rotting garbage-gehenna; rotten eggs-brimstone
4. Sight: smoke-fire; corruption-gehenna or black darkness
5. Sound: moaning, weeping, crying, screaming

I don't find much symbolism in the parable
DAVEH:  Do you understand parable to be a story that conveys a concept while in itself may not have actually happened?......

of Lazarus and the rich man who found himself in Hades. Lazarus has a name which indicates personhood. This parable is every bit as valid as the prodigal son.
DAVEH:  http://m-w.com/cgi-bin/dictionary?book=Dictionary&va=parable&x=0&y=0
Both were taught by Jesus.  I don't His find truth to be at odds at all.  God is loving but he is also holy and perfectly just. Noone will spend an eternity in torment who has not personally chosen this end.

daveh:  From what I've learned previously in TT, anybody who dies without believing in Jesus is condemned to the lake of fire.  (I assume you agree???)  Yet there are literally billions who have lived and died without even hearing the name of Jesus, let alone hearing the gospel.  So......if they (through no fault of their own) don't believe in Jesus and end up being eternally tortured in the lake of fire......what commentary does that speak of a loving God?  Or......do you believe that they will be given the chance to believe in Jesus after their death?  I think virtually all I've chatted with about this deny this possibility though.
judyt: It is appointed unto men once to die and after this the judgment (Hebrews 9:27); the Church has been given the great commission (see Matthew 28:19,20). Do you personally know of someone who has not yet heard of Jesus?
DAVEH:  My personal world is immersed in Jesus.  However, I can think of many instances of people(s) who could/would not have heard of him.
How many have heard and rejected the truth?
DAVEH:  The problem with that is it is questionable as to how many actually heard the truth.  If you and I knocked up a non Christians door in a proselytizing effort, and you first taught him what you know as the gospel, and then I taught him my perspective of the gospel.......and then he chose to believe mine---you would assume rejected the truth, while I would assume just the opposite.  So it seems that there are many versions of the truth right here in TT.  Imagine a non Christian viewing the gospel being preached by underwear waving protesters.  Would they run to embrace that truth, or would they run from it.  And if they did find that form of truth to be repulsive, do you think God is going to chuck them into the lake of fire for not accepting such a negative presentation of the gospel?
  It would have been this way (hell) for the prodigal son if he had not chosen to repent in the pigpen and return to his Father's house. Note, the Father did not chase him into the pig pen and beg him to return; he was responsible for his own life choicesThe scriptures teach that it is the "wrath of God" we are to be saved from and when we are saved from this we will not ever have to be concerned about the lake of fire.
DAVEH:  Do you suppose the wrath of God might possibly refer punishments of mortality, rather than punishments that extend beyond the grave?  I've not done a study of it, but it sure seems to me that God has shown his wrath to mortals when they happen to be engaged in efforts to thwart the gospel.   One of these days (if I ever find the time), I'll have to see what relation there is between the wrath of God and hell.  Perhaps you already know, and can quote some passages that connect the two?
daveh: Without some negative result, what motivation would Christians have to seek the truth?  Jesus told us the truth would set us free.  Free from what, if misconceptive (can't think of the proper word for that one!) Christians can be saved?
judyt: Free from the lie that damns the soul and incurs the wrath of God.
DAVEH:   Hmmmmmm.....as DavidM suggested, it isn't misperceptions that  damns the soul, but rather sin.  But if I remember correctly, you may disagree with him on that.
We are either slaves of sin or we are slaves of righteousness, we choose one or the other.

daveh:  Which brings back the question:  Is one damned from sin or misconception?   (Or.......both?)
judyt: What is sin?

daveh:  That which separates us from God.....?
judyt: His word says that all unrighteousness is sin and 1 John 3:4 teaches us that sin is transgression of the law.
What is misconception?

daveh:  That which separates us from truth......?
judyt: In the parable of the sower, the sower sows the Word (truth) and the evil one sows his words (the lie)
When truth is conceived in the heart it brings forth life. When we conceive lies the opposite is true and this would be a misconception wouldn't it?  In Isaiah 59:13 the prophet speaks of conceiving and uttering from the heart words of falsehood.  Where does the responsibility lie?
daveh:  If we keep the commandments, we shall know the truth....
judyt: What chapter and verse is this?
DAVEH:  It is my summation of a couple passages......Jn 8:31-32
  There is none so blind as he who will not see... Stiff necked, stubborn, rebellion, is what damns the soul. To obey is better than sacrifice.
daveh:   Hmmmmmmm......surely you aren't suggesting salvation by obedience.....!     :-)
judyt: I don't believe there is any formula for salvation Daveh but look at the ones who have made it and are waiting in Hebrews 11. They are all examples of the obedience that comes through faith.

Dave Hansen
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