In a message dated 6/29/2004 9:02:12 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Good to hear your words, John. J  Re: the Canadian Trinity, knowing they are good at heart encourages me personally, as I know they wonât give up easily when I challenge the heck out of their ideas.  (I know they are cahoots, and encourage each other!) Some folks canât take it so well.  J Izzy

I am sure they can take it.  I don't know about some of you, but there are churches that will not allow the kind of questioning and testing of ideas that takes place here in this forum.  And the testing is with those who have received Christ in a personal and meaningful way.  Some of the Mormon friends are here only to observe -  but most of us are here to share AND to learn  --  iron sharpens iron is never more true than in some of this forums discussions.   Chris sees nothing but evil deception in this disagreement.  But the truth is that most are doing the best that they do at the time, in terms of defending their ideas, sharing what is meaningful to them and considering that which may be new and challenging.  Look to Christ and his patience with those whom he knew were or would be true to him.  Peter's violence in the garden  --  considered and corrected but not rejected.  His denials  --  again, considered and corrected without rejection.   The fight over who would sit at the right hand of Christ in the coming kingdom, the lack of faith in face of two miraculous feedings (the 4000 and 5000),  the apostles bumbling of a miracle or two, Peter's walk on water and his ultimate failure AND the other's fear to even consider leaving the boat  --  all considered and corrected but fully accepted  (I gots to get away from this rhyming thing) .

That is what Chris misses.   He sees us all as Pharisees when in fact we are (spiritual) family.   There were many occasions for harsh criticism by Christ against his disciples  --  yet he chose to minister in patience.   And I believe that such a choice was the result of His faith in the final outcome.  I must believe He continues that patience ministry with us all  --  including Chris, believing, in the end, that we will become fully involved in the new nature.      

Anyway, back to business


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