Wm. Taylor wrote:
I hate to see you go, Jonathan -- but I understand why you would.
Oh! wait a second! Let me see: If I hate to see you go, does that mean, by extension, that I hate you? Hmmmmm. I hope not.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2004 9:03 PM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Interesting Article

John, Izzy, Terry, Lance et al,


I will not argue with you guys.  I will be taking a break from posting on this forum; whether this is long-term or not I am not sure.  When people keep leaving Truthtalk because of the judging when will any of you look in the mirror?


Regarding my last two posts:  I posted what I believed to be an interesting article (hence the incredible title).  I did not make any value judgments or even claim to agree with the article.  I merely thought the article to be interesting.  Secondly, I never stated that Clinton was a Christian or that he even says that he was a Christian.  I put a quote out that stated he believed he had some sort of relationship with God.  I pointed out that you (the respondents) would use his lying and hypocrisy in his life as your defense for your own hypocritical attitudes.  All three of you did.  Clinton is easy to judge and you have all jumped on board.  I never tried to defend Clinton or give my own opinion of him or his party.  All three of you completely missed the point.  You badgered Lance and I with verses about saying anything critical about your current president.  You claimed we were anti-American.  Your holier than thou attitudes were all on display.  Now those verses mean absolutely nothing to you when speaking of a past president, one not in your party of choice.  When the leader is not one you like you use your bible in a different way, to judge.  All three of you are loving and Christian-like when it revolves around someone you would include in Christ.  When it comes to anyone outside this rather small circle (a different political party, homosexuals (Terry’s favourite), etc.) you put on your judgment hats and go to work.  You think you have a biblical basis to do this.  You think it is Christian.  It is called hypocrisy.  It is what Jesus hated in the Pharisees and religious leaders of His day; it is what Jesus hates in my own heart (I am just as much an offender here).


Lance, I apologize for leaving you alone on this forum but you know my heart and the struggles it has been having with the hypocrisy and judging that this forum feeds on.  You know how I have fed on it as well.  Thank you for forgiving me.


John, a man who commits adultery (even 60 times which of course in Clinton’s case is hogwash) can still be a Christian.  It is no worse a sin than your own hypocrisy.  You have confused moral behaviour with salvation.  Note that I am not claiming that Clinton was/is a Christian, just that your reasoning is flawed.  I expect a lot from you John.  You could be the leader on this forum.  Many of your posts express the heart of God.  If only this same heart would beat in love with your political views.  The compassion you had for Judy is completely missing when you speak politically.  The same thing happens with Izzy and Terry.  Where does your love go?  Why isn’t Christ allowed there?  Why eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil?  It isn’t filling, and it won’t satisfy your hunger for long.


Izzy, you have a delightful heart; if it wasn’t for politics and the non-Christian love you display when discussing them you and I would have gotten along much better.  Thank you for your kindness regarding my illness.


Terry, your version of Christianity that hates sin AND the sinner is the sickest and most satanic form out there.  Nevertheless, you are still included.  May God help you to love not only sinners but Christians that sin.


Be safe.



       Goodbye Jonathan,  Hope you find a place where everyone agrees with you.
       Thank you for the criticism.  I will consider it.


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