It might do us all some good to go ahead and post some of the ways we love ourselves. Then maybe we could make a deliberate effort to ascribe that same -- dare I say -- unsurpassable worth to each other. How about it, Izzy? I see you are very good at getting along with yourself. Tell me: How do you do it?




How do I do it? Well, I guess I like me. J (If I don’t, who else will?)


Tell me, how would you get along with Hitler if he lived next door? Or Jeffrey Dahmer? I have neighbors that I consider to be gross sinners (lesbians, homos, etc.) but I don’t have a problem being civil and kind with them.  I figure they are going to behave like the lost folks they are.  It’s a waste of time to expect sinners to behave like Christians.  But then on occasion you run into someone who is a lying, cunning, cheating, person who loves to inflict pain onto others.  Do I think they are worth much more than a hill of beans? Not much. But my opinion is not what matters.  God’s opinion is the ONLY thing that matters.  And I think God thinks they aren’t even worth a hill of beans.  God says they are going to h-e-doublehockeysticks. In spite of that He has offered them His own Blood.  But folks like that just don’t seem to want to take Him up on the offer.  If/when they do, they become a NEW creation, and then they are worth a million. 


Furthermore, I believe that respect must be earned.  I don’t believe in rewarding bad behavior with warm fuzzies.  If my neighbors start throwing rocks at my house I’m not likely to bake them a cake. But maybe I’m just a grouchy cat. J Izzy

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